
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:46:44
解不等式2得 求一篇初二水平教师节的作文以师恩难忘为主题的,700字,可以选择1-3件事,有一定的景物描写,一定要有初二水平,别太弱智了,要原创!急需跪求!速度跪求!紧急啊!. 请专家给看看这张字是谁写的,字怎么样? 帮忙解两个不等式,急用!(3x-a)(5x+a)>0 (ax-1)(x+3)>0 求大师,这上面写的是什么字 请问那个大师知道石头上面写的是什么字? 这副字写的怎么样, 已知a²-2a+4的值为5,求4a-2a²+5的值,即-2a²+4a+5 后生家①每临事②,辄③曰:“吾不会做.”此大缪④(是言字旁,我家拼音输入法没有,请原谅!)也.凡事做则会,不做则安能会耶⑤?又,做一事,辄曰:“且待明日.”此亦大缪(是言字旁,我家拼 青蛙用会用几条腿走路? 古诗填空(急-!)“不知庐山真面目”一句出自( )朝诗人( )所写的《 》.全诗是:( ) 语文古诗文填空!急初中所选的不少古诗都渗透着作者矢志不渝的理想追求,例如:理想在苏轼心中就是“( ),( ).”建功立业的雄心壮志(《江城子·密州出猎》) 成语“居安思危”和《孟子二章》中的( ),( )都告诫人们要有忧患意识. 帮忙解两个不等式 ( )______is very important for us.When I chat with my friends,I fell very____.A.Relaxing,relaxing B.Relaxing,relaxed C.Relaxed,relaxing D.Relaxed,relaxed 25%X+90+X9/20=X怎么解? Kitty has a lot of time to chat with her friends.(改为一般疑问句)快,并写出原因!______ Kitty ______ ______ time to chat with her friends? 电影黑猫警长观后感作文大全 20+20%x+25=x怎么做 ----Nancy is not coming tonight ----But she ( ) A.promises B.promised C.will promised D.had promised为什么不选第四个那 -Nancy is not coming tonight.-But she---(say) so.求详解 Nancy is not coming tonight .but she A:promised B:had promised.选哪个,为什么,这两个在什么时候用呢. -----Nancy is not coming tonight.----- But she _____!A.promisesB.promisedC.will promiseD.had p-----Nancy is not coming tonight.----- But she _____!A.promisesB.promisedC.will promiseD.had promised The reason---she gives for not coming to the party is that her mothor won’t let her.A.which B.that 有关光的干涉和衍射区别与关系的问题,为何有些人说双缝干涉就是两束衍射光重叠而得的图,有些人又说双缝干涉并不是两个衍射,但有可能同时存在.非常混乱啊...我的想法是:双缝干涉不就 生活中光的干涉衍射DVD,CD反出来的彩色的光是干涉衍射么? helen is (thirty-seven)years old的适当形式填空 my friend is ten years old 改为同义句my friend is a ——— girl Mary is my friend.( ) is thirteen years old.空着的用适当代词填上 Daming is my friend .we're twelve years old.是什麽意思? This is Daming.He is twelve years old,_____.He is my friend.We are in____One.This is____Green.She is from England.She is our_______teacher. 一条水渠,甲队单独修需要8天完成,乙队单独修需要10天完成,两队同时合修了4天后,还剩18.2米未修,水渠长多少米?