
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:37:29
有两个分别为3升和5升的不规则的容器,怎么用他们量出4升的水呢 欧洲哪个国家安全,治安好,适合中国人居住、在那个国家中国人不会被敌视? M10砂浆理论配合此:水泥290砂1469水241,比例是1:5.41:0.83 砂子含水率1.6M10砂浆理论配合此:水泥290砂1469水241,比例是1:5.41:0.83砂子含水率1.6如何计算施工配合比?如何计算0.34方的用量 they can help you when you are sad and they know how to make you feel better,sometimes without youhey can help you when you are sad and they know how to make you feel better,sometimes without your having to tell them there's anything wrong的意思 3.When I ________in the kitchen,nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted.A.worked outB.figured outC.helped outD.found out刚刚知道选C了,但是又有一个疑问,A为什么不对呢? 在备选栏里选出下面句子答语 备选栏:A.I feel sick B.I don't know C.You'd better have a restD.I'm going to England E.It's snowing heavily at the airport ( )1.You are back Why ( )2.I feel tired( )3.What's the matter ( )4.Who's there?( ) nothing much you and you know you look better with you hair striaght求意思 sorry.I just do not know how to say.I feel I am very strange.I think it was a person be better.I just do not know how to say.I feel I am very strange.I think it was a person be better.I wish you happiness.帮翻译下. 短路时,电压表和电流表怎样变化?断路时呢? 跟我做过的女人都说我的下面是世界上最大、最长、最粗的了,说做起来很舒服 ,为什么 哪国的女人最色? Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me Just About Enough Just About Enough,can't take anymore of you.Just About Enough,got me over the edge.Just About Enough,you don't give me what I deserve.I'm no fool,gotta get away from you.After all you put me through,Boy,I'm still in love with you.Al Since i feel you...I can\'t get enough of love..I just say that ..how i feel谁能帮帮我解释这段话的意思啊?!谢谢了! For you feel hasn't been changed,as long as you're happy,this is enough是什么意思, ABS和EBD 把一根长为1.2米、底面半径为1分米的圆柱形钢材平均截成3段,表面积增加多少?快.算式是不是3.14*1的平方*4 一条排水量为1000t的油轮在长江中航行时,油轮受到的浮力为_____N.在码头卸下了100m³的燃油,卸下的燃油的质量为____kg,油轮排开水的体积为____m³(燃油密度为0.8X10³kg/m³) RLC串联电路,电流5A,电阻30,感抗40,容抗80,阻抗多少?是()性电路,电路中吸收的有功功率? 容抗和阻抗在电路中相当于电阻耗能是否一样 汽车ASR,ABS,和EBD的缺点和优点分别是什么可以只回答缺点,但不能只回答优点 I love everything about you是我爱你的一切不? I'm Sorry About The Pain I Made You Feel And About Everything I'm Sorry So Sorry. I Love everything about you to love is to place i hate everything about you.why do i love you. 一条油轮在长江中航行是,排开水的体积是300立方米,油轮受到的浮力是? 一游轮在长江中航行时,排开水的体积是300你的3次方,游轮受到的浮力是? 把一根长1.2米,底面直径是1分米的圆柱形钢材平均截成3段,表面积增加了多少平方分米?要列出算式! 一个组织为15欧的电阻另一个电阻一R串联后的总电阻为25欧,那么电阻R=——欧,这两个电阻并联后的总电阻为 已知某阻抗Z=40∠-30 欧,其等效电阻R=___欧,等效电抗X=___,改阻抗是(电容性/电感性)最后个空我知道是电容性,不过求解释下原因,为什么是电容的 玻璃胶有透明和白色的都有什么区别? 请问透明和白色的玻璃胶有什么区别啊?