
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:10:19
"Neal,listen,"she said,looking straight at him."I ask you not to get ( ) in this kind of matter.It's none of your business."A.caught B.involved C.attached D.connected 没财富了.希望能帮个忙! I'd like to go,but she ask me not to,to 后要加do吗?为什么? 黄海海战的意义和性质 Tney are so delicious in the autumn什么意思 they are ____ delicious这儿用so还是用too so they are 和 so are they这两个短语分别表示什么意思... These are eggs.They are small and white.改单数句 These are eggs.(改为单数句)_ _ _eggs. 初三英语有关提建议的作文, 有人能给我发一份历年六级听力的LRC文件么?最好到13年12月的, Are these your skates No.They are _______.A.he B.Li ming's C.Him D.Li ming 我很好奇,为什么随便一个外国人到中国都能当外教而中国人到外国教汉语就要那么高的要求?很多外国人在国外混不下去了或者旅游半路没钱了就来中国当外教,他们一点资质都没有对吧?而对 去国外教汉语 需要哪些条件一直听说这个比较好 但是具体怎么办一点也不知道 需要申请或者是考证什么的吗 hasn't jim come yet?no and I ( )for him for nearly 2hoursA.wait B.waited C.have waited D.had waited 问一下几道题目的语法It is nearly nine now.He (hasn't come) yet.白痴的问一下有yetIt is nearly nine now.He (hasn't come) yet.白痴的问一下有yet了不是完成时了吗,为毛不是didn'nt?when Alice got home,her mother (w he __ for three hours.A.has bought it B.has received it C.has got here D.hasn't come here Little Tom________.Don't wait for him.A didn't come B hadn't come C hasn't come 填什么 为什么 Hasn't he slept for 20 hours?和Hasn't he been sleeping for 20 hours?哪个是对的?有什么区别?Hasn't he slept for 20 hours?和Hasn't he been sleeping for 20 hours 哪个是对的?有什么区别?表达的意思是一样的吗? pick,Tom,autumn,to,in,often,goes,apples.造句快 今年12月的六级听力,是TM哪个女的读的?那男的一听就是个外国人,那女的肯定是中国人,中式英语伤不起啊!录音那天估计还没吃饱饭,读的就是屎啊.敢不敢全换成统一的人种读?有知道那SB女吗 be going 如:what is it going to be? we are covered against catastrophe.翻译.另外against是什么意思 Sould the insurance be covered to Mombassa only or through to final destination?Mombassa 就是final destination,这句话想区别什么? 6、贝乐英语与易贝乐有什么区别? 英语中天气前要用will还是be going to比如说rain 英语 天气将如何变化 用will还是be going to? be going to 是表达天气的对吗?总体和will都差不多是吗?be going to还用于已经打算好,做完的事对吗? ,Mike has tree apples.就画线部分提问apples画线,Mike has tree apples.就画线部分提问apples画线 How.many apples______Mike ( ) i 易贝乐英语跟贝乐英语,哪家的课堂内容、上课方式更好一些? 易贝乐的英语跟贝乐的英语,哪家的课堂内容、上课方式更好一些? 8、易贝乐英语跟贝乐英语,哪家的课堂内容、上课方式更好一些? 我英语基础很差,自学新概念英语2一个课文(包括解释,语法,习题等)需要两个小时,这样坚持下去有效果吗