
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:39:16
已知椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)的离心率为根号2/2,其左右焦点分别为F1,F2,点P是坐标平面内一点,且|OP|=根号7/2,向量PF1·向量PF2=3/4(O为坐标原点).(1)求椭圆C的方程 试确定a和b,使x^4+ax^2-bx+2能被x^2+3x+2整除 试确定a和b的值,使x^a+ax^2-bx+2能被x^2+3x+2整除 I really appreciate your help.—______________.A.It’s my duty B.I should help.C.I’d love t 英语改错!i appreciate your help very well.on the firstday ofcamp,youcame up to myself weile i was… 甲乙丙三人共运一批水泥,甲运了总数的3/7,比乙多运9.94吨,乙运的吨数占丙的2/3,求这批 22题的解答, 三年级上册语文好词好句 一元一次方程复习题一件工程,甲、乙、丙队单独做各要10天、12天、15天才能完成,现在计划开工7天完,乙、丙先合作3天后,乙队因事离去,由甲队代替,在各队工作效率都不变的情况下,能否按计 I greatly appreciate you for your help.(单句改错) Thanks ever so much for your help?I realy appreciate it.________A.Got it B.That'sright C.With pleasure D.Don't mention it 二甲乙丙三人共运来一批水泥的四分之三,甲运来其中的七分之三,比乙多运了12吨,乙运的吨数占丙的三分之求这批水泥的重量?急求作业甲乙丙三人共运来一批水泥的四分之三,甲运来其中的 2011—2012学年度第一学期期末教学评估,最好有答案,无所谓的冀教版的 石块A自塔顶从静止开始自由落下S1时,石块B从离塔顶S2处静止开始自由落下,两石块同时落地,则塔高为:()A S1+S2 B (S1+S2)²/4S1 C S1²/4(S1+S2) D (S1+S2)²/S1-S2 初一数学题p99题;点p为直线L外一点,点A,B,C为直线L上三点,PA=5cm,PB=4cm,PC=3cm,则点P到直线L的距离为( ). 初一数学评价手册P125第四题直线AB、CD相交于点O,OE平分∠BOD,且∠AOD-∠DOB=80°.求∠AOC和∠DOE的度数写全步骤 I really appreciate ( ) to help meA.your offeringB.that you offered我觉得B也可以啊是不是appreciate后不能加that从句 I really appreciate ___to help me out.A.you for lending me the money B.your lending me the moneyC.you to lend me the moneyD.it that you lend me the money I really appreciate ____________a great effort to help me out of the trouble 为什么用your talking? 物理选修3-5的P9第一题网上都说答案是12,可是如果规定向右是正方向,那么根据公式△P=m(v2-v1),即0.1×(-6—6)应该是-12才对啊 难道△P是v1-v2吗?可是老师给我的公式是末减初啊 还是说12或-12都一 解一元一次方程试题4题求求你们救救我2x-1 5x-11.-- - -- = 16 8 2 2.- (3x+7)=2-1.5x74 2 1 3 3.2[- x -(- x - -)]=-x3 3 2 4 I do appreciate your help.这句话可以省略DO嘛I do appreciate your help.这句话可以省略Do嘛,如果不行的话请解释一下 求关于圆的参数方程的一些例题 关于圆的参数方程的题x的平方+y的平方=4,求2x+y.用圆的参数方程怎么求?我们老师说,代入后用尤拉公式算,尤拉公式是什么,怎么用尤拉公式算下去? i really appreciate you/your offering to help me...用you还是your啊?还是都可以? 32.I really appreciate _____ to help meA.your offering B.that you offered C.you to offer D.you offered选什么 There is a widespread concern over the issue that 英语翻译Nowadays,"the flower in the green house" has become a matter of great concern for the general public in our society.请问怎么翻译? in recent years there has been a growing concern among the general public over the issue of.把介词over提前 怎么改 是这样改的吗 in recent years a growing concern over.has been from the general public. (1/2根号5)3×根号5×根号(2-根号5)2(计算,后2和3为平,立方) 2道不难却有争议的语文题(文言文).哦不、忘写.1.“温故”与“知新”是不是两件并列的事情?该如何理解?2.“先帝不以臣卑鄙”中的“以”到底是因为,还是认为?好吧、第一题.答案上面说 tim has been in australia for six mouth.his brother hasn't seen him _january.1for2since3from4by为什么