
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:45:03
若方程lnx+2x=0的解为x0,则不等式x≤x0的最大整数解是 若方程lnx+3x-6=0的解为a,则关于x不等式x≥a的最小整数解是? 设x0是方程lnx+x=4的解 且x0属于(k,k+1)则k等于? 设x0是方程lnx+2x-6=0的近似解,且x属于(a,b),b-a=1,求a,b的值 People like you will find ____ easy to get along in a new place.( )A.this B.that D.its 英语 动词 (26 16:52:18)什么是及物动词,什么是不及物动词 初二英语动词填空The mobile phone i thought i____(lose) was found in the pocket of my overcoat原因。。 动词填空, 初二英语(动词填空)I hope it ____ (be)sunny tomorrow because we will visit your school 一道初二英语动词填空We all know that the important event ____(take)place in Wuxi three weeks later.另外说一下这个句子的中文 ≈≥×≤≈初二英语动词填空=≯∞≮=简单哒说I don't think you ____ (see) the dress before.He's designing a web page _____ (advertise) the event.He is often seen ____ (help) deaf people.Eighty per cent of the students in our class 英语 用动词的适当形式填空 (20 17:30:34)Everyone knows that  365 days (                       ) (make) one year.答案中mak 初二英语句型转换直接引语转换成间接引语1.“I joined the League in 2000,” Xiao Li said.2.“Why are you late?” the teacher asked the boy.3.He asked me,“Do you like black tea or green tea?” 4.He said,“please come here again 句型转换1.你的第一件事是学会如何使用相机.Your first job is____ ____ ____ to use the camera.2.如果你喜欢这张照片,你可以把它打印出来._____ you like this photo,you _____ ____ it.3.手机有不同的价格.Mobile phon 初二英语句型转换在线等同以句转换To work out the problem is hard.---is hard ----work out the problem.He is drawing such a beautiful horse on the blackboard.He is drawing----beautiful-------horse on the blackboard 会句型转换得进1.He often takes subway to school.(改为否定句)He( )often( )the subway to school.2.She usually goes to work by bus.(对划线部分提问)( )( )she usually go to work?3.It takes me twenty minutes to get to school.(对 英语 句型转换 (21 14:43:20)She asked me ,"Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?"(改为宾语从句)She asked me ____I ____go to the cinema ____ ____ ____.  英语 句型转换 (21 14:50:50)How much does your schoolbag weight?(改为同义句)____ ______ ______ _____your schoolbag 1.our school is very big and beauiful.(对very big and beauiful提问)_____ your school _____?2.he goes home per year(对per year提问)____ _____ ____ he ____ home?3.There is somthing wrong with the piano.(同义句)The piano ____ ____.4.Her hom 1.My father allows me to drive a car.(改为被动语态)I ____ ____ to drive a car.2.Can you show me the way to the post office?(改为同义句)Can you tell me _____ _____ get to the post office? 3道初二英语句型转换1.We watched TV at home.We didn't go out for Hallowseen.(保持原句意思)We watched TV at home_____ ______ ______out for Halloween.2.I hope that I'II be your friend.I hope ______ ______your friend.3.I failed the exa 3道句型转换,急……1\ try to read books in english.(否定句)2\ why don't you write them down in your notebook?(同义句)3\ to speak english in class is good idea.(同义句)1\ try to read books in english.(否定句)try ________ ___ 三道 初二英语句型转换题Don't afraid of SARS.Don't afraid ______ _____SARS.Which sport do you take part in?Which sport_____you_____?He learns Japanese by himself.He_____ _____Japanese.Thank you very much ★3个初二英语句型转换★Their plane landed safely after about two hours 对 after about two hours 提问_____ ____ their plane ____ safely?My mother was so surprised that she couldn't move 改同义句My mother was ____ surprised ____ ____I 这道题为什么不选择A或者C啊? 科学作业本七年级下B本49—52的答案急! 某校学生小敏对生物学有着浓厚的兴趣,善于观察,勤于思考,脑海中时常浮现出一些生物探究创意.某天,她在游览泗水桃花园时,看着枝头红艳的桃花,突发奇想:如果给桃花授梨花花粉,是否依 七年级下册科学作业本A第5第6页答案 新概念英语2 第33-50课课后练习答案非选择题怎么打? 新概念英语第2册 第50课的课后练习题 Exercises(238页和239页)的详细答案 向全世界求新概念英语第二册课后练习答案 要全 新概念英语第二册练习册答案51我希望好心人士在7点前把答案给我、谢谢、