
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:20:05
谁有《三国演义》或《堂吉诃德》的阅读心得不少于800字的 堂吉诃德在线阅读 找错误 what's twenty and twent i's fourty. 作文出口 课文怎样可以背的出 预习练习3-1不会,命题,定理,证明 改为被动语态:1、we should look after elder people very well1、we should look after elder people very well2、we should answer these questions as soon as possible3、you should not touch the things on display in the museum4、people should n 英语的句子改成被动时态1.We should look after eider people very well.2.We should answer these question as soon as possible.3.You should not touch zhe thing on display in zhe museum.4.People should not allow teenagers to work at night.5.Stud 动名词短语在句子中的成分Josh describes his experience fighting with a fractured hand against a very aggressive opponent in a Push Hands competition.请问动名词短语fighting with .在句中是什么成分,请分析下句子结构. 这个句子中,过去分词短语做什么成分?One day a card that I sent came back stamped “Address Unknown”.在这个句子中,stamped “Address Unknown”做什么成分? alse是什么词性,跟other有什么区别? each other 这里这个词组算什么词性?对于这个词组中的each和other又分别是什么词性?如题. such as 后面加什么样的词性?如名词,动名词 or other else? 比较《宫事》的农夫与白居易《卖炭翁》中的卖炭翁,说说两个人物的遭遇和表现有何异.同:异: Supper is ( )(准备好的)how.Let's go to have it is supper ready? no,mother is _____it ready now.A.doing Bcooking Cburning Dgetting为什么不是B? We should always look after the olds改同义句 帮忙把下列语句中加点的“而”与例句中的“而”用法相同的一项是( )例句:盗追而问其故1.牛缺步而去2.既而相谓曰3.乃相与追而杀之4.而追吾不已请把每一个“而”字的意思标明清楚 We should learn to look after _____ first.(we) 与例句语三日,缪公大说中加点词的用法相同的一项是 卖炭翁的全文解释 卖炭翁中"文书"的意思 No all students like playing football.为什么用no,怎么不用not Have you ___ supper ready?a,get b,gotc,cookd,cooked 卖炭翁 的全文意思这个文章的意思 是什么?以及作者的思想是什么? Have you -------- supper ready? A get B got C cook D cooked sparkle twinkle glitter 的区别when she heard the bad news,her eyes___with tears as she struggledwhen she heard the bad news,her eyes___with tears as she struggled to control her emotionsa.sparkled b.twinkled c.radiated glittered为什么是d?因 59道五年级小数脱式计算 59道 1.Please c_____ the table with a cloth2.I'm really a______,becacse I can't find my backpack.3.I hope to pass the f______ exam at the end of the year.4.Don't be w______ about your son .He isn't a child any more.5.Mr Green is the o______ of the house.6 supper isready,please the table 选择此组并用适当形式填空 1.Please __ _ __ __the table after supper. ——Is supper ready,Mom?——Wait a moment,please!I ( ) it.A.just finishB.am just going to finishC.am just finishingD.have just finished答案一定要可靠、正确啊~