
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:45:17
一只乌贼的体重比一只蓝鲸的体重轻0.9千克.乌贼的体重=( )*( ) et cetera 如何发音 用一个长条为6分米的铁丝做成一个一条边长为x分米的矩形,设矩形面积是y平方分米,求y关于x的函数关系式;当边长为多少时,这个矩形面积最大 finger什么意思 finger-lickin是什么意思 I can __swin __skate.I'm going to have some training next year.A.either;or B.neither;nor C.both;and D.not only;but also finger RT finger是英文手指的意思吗?忘了 Will you teach me how to swim and skate?为啥用and,咋不用or? they have gone there 变被动they have gone there 变被动 finger的复数形式是什么 土豆的复数形式是什么呢? 1.I will teach you to swim 中to swim做?是做宾补么?还是目的状语啊..这两个有点分不清楚. He will teach me -----this year?选to skate 还是skating 为什么?可是答案是skating Can you teach me to swim?为什么是填to swim? 沙漠之舟的第一自然段介绍了骆驼的( )、( )、( )、( )、( )、( )、( )急啊!这是今天中午的作业啊 BAR中文有哪些意思? He is a math teacher.He()() one plas one plas one,中文意思? wait1ng bar翻译成中文是什么意思? 要歌颂党的童谣越多越好!是党不是祖国, 歌颂党的童谣快 关于赞美中国共产党的童谣 Happy hours at Sports City Bar lasts from 6:00pm to 8:30pm Buy one soft drink,get one Sports City electric fire 英语翻译帮个忙咯 What 's the ______ today?October 10th.A.day B.date C.birthday D.party SIDOI HOTEL RESTAURANT BAR怎么样 高中生21世纪英语报怎么定我是福建福州的 If you were here,sure I will hold your hand 这句话里should的用法和意思?you're vulnerable to losing money should interest rates rise and you sell before they mature请问这里面的 should 是什么用法?还有在这句话里