
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:31:13
I hope more activities like this ________(organize) to raise money for charity If there _(be)fewer tress,there _(be)more pollution 感人的故事 要有关汶川四川的地震或海啸之类的感人故事啊 There are usually more people in a Chinese family than there are in Anerican there are ____ more people in Hebei than in Yancheng填much还是many 为什么 There are more than 40 students in our class.求同义句 you were my everything歌词翻译 you were my everything翻译成中文字 You Were My Everything 翻译成汉语是什么? 英语翻译1你需要更多地锻炼,更少的看电视并吃健康的食物2我的搭档每天看一个半小时的电视3饭后,我爷爷很少躺在沙发上4他多久步行上学一次?很少5祝你顺利实施你的新饮食和生活计划6总 英语翻译老虎是国家保护动物,目前数量日趋减少,只有四百多只左右 其原因是友人为了赚钱,滥捕滥杀;森林的大量砍伐,破坏了老虎的生存环境.呼吁国家采取措施,制定法律,保护老虎,惩罚捕 英语翻译1你知道如何写一封邀请书吗?2请跟我进房间里来.3动物园在阳光中学的北面.4超市在我们学校的南面5书店在鞋店的东南求· 英语翻译1我们通常从哪里获取能量?2你必须改名你的饮食习惯,因为你需要很多能量3如果你想健康一点,你就必须少吃多运动4桑迪每周去一次图书馆5我不再吃油炸食物了6我计划吃健康的食物 英语翻译1天很黑,我感到有点害怕2He sat down,and looked very sad 麻烦大家给我取个英文名字,我叫徐浩杰,是男的,英文读音和中文读音相似【最好是一样】谢谢大家!一定要看起来好看,说出来又不会被人笑话,取得好的再加赏,望广大有能力的、很懂英语的帮 我叫茜芮,今年24岁,性格活泼开朗.麻烦大家帮我取个跟我名字发音相近的英文名字,最好特别一点. 英语翻译50percent of tuition fees are due the first day of semester plus the remainder by arranged instalments with the Finance Office 英语翻译1.I regret to say that I am while to help you 2.To tell you the truth I really regret not helping him3.It is reasonable to the water pollution to these factories 4.You look very tired.The music will help to relay you5.He was so selfish th you were my everything的歌词哪位给翻译下 英语翻译帮个忙了 我只知道YOU是你 MY是我 哈哈..You Were My Everything ←这是啥意思?我倒 到底谁的对? There were rose中文歌词 高一双语报一篇完形填空,开头是I live in a city that unfortunately has many homeless people ,速回如果可以,请把该报纸其他题的答案也写上 英语 people with disabilities这个词组是固定搭配吗?去掉with可以吗? As we all know,people can't live with out.As we all know,people can't live with out____water or_____air.A the,/ B the,/ C /,/ D /,the我知道很简单的,有点模棱两可 There are many old people living here.Many families with young children live here,too.为什么第一个用living,第二个用live?老师说第二个是一般现在时,可我听不懂.谁能帮我解释一下? 翻译一下[How many people live in Asia?] 会英语的帮我看一下这几个英文名字怎么用中文念?1、Pearl Mckurdy2、Rhonda the Rash3.、Cydney Bass you were my everything 的歌词,要汉语的 Work with actor 英语翻译 you were my everything 这个歌的歌词意思下面是歌词:this goes out to someone that wasonce the most important person in my lifei didn't realize it at the timei can't forgive myself for the way i treated you soi don't really expect you to you were my everything的歌词 There was many more people who got injured in the big fire than___.(was reported,it was reported,were reported,they were reported)