
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:37:57
英语翻译1.The ceremony was not for the________ of the dead,but for the comfort of the living.a.sake b.purpose c.impression d.respect为什么不能选A呢.而要选B.2.I didn’t know what to do butthen an idea suddenly ________ to me.a.happened The heavy snow stopped them from going out for a holiday.改为被动句 英语翻译The reason that all this teenies may never seeyou my be 3 years older but you hotBe talking like you like what I gotI know you like it how I lean in the'lac could be in the back sayiing 20个ABCC形式的成语 l've never heard___before A.so beautiful news B.such a beautiful news C.so a wonderful storyD.such a wonderful stories Tom is always worried about being late.这句话错不?怎样该?怎么没有人呢? 我现在初三.想在宁波找个雅思或者托福的口语班.请问那个好点.推荐一个. The heavy rain p_______me from going to schppl.适当形式填空. 最后一头战象,2时间顺序,围绕四个感人片段,是哪几个. 最后一头战象如果要分成四个部分,要怎么分 She is studying for the English test中studying 为什么要加ing These children have been studying English for _____. A.two years and a half B.two and a half year C.two and half year D.two and half years lost track of 英语翻译如题··· 英语翻译On the ground I lay Motionless in pain I can see my life flashing before my eyes Dead I fall asleep Is this all a dream Wake me up,I'm living a nightmare I will not die (I will not die) I will survive I will not die,I'll wait here for you He's helping Tom study Chinese(同义句)He's helping Tom_____ _______ Chinese Actually,he is two years younger than Betty(改为同义句) ______ _____,he is two years younger than Betty Maybe Mrs Green will be our new English teacher this ter He's helping Tom study Chinese.(改为同义句)He's helping Tom ____ ____ Chinese.谢谢,大家帮忙啊 中国共产主义青年团的根本组织原则是什么? 高一英语书面表达4假设你叫李华,是刚从外地转来的学生,你和班里其他同学之间的沟通有困难,感到很孤独.班主任老师很严厉,你对他的某些做法也很不理解,感到困惑.请你给某种杂志社的编 In Search of Lost Time意思 Lost in the mist of time 歌词 lost in 描写书包的段落(模仿《最后一头战象》) You must —— yourself and ——.A.look out;stay healthy B.look for;keep in healthC.look after;stay healthy D.look after;keep in healthystay healthy 和keep in healthy意思相同吗?why? what do you like?do是结构词么 助动词? 助动词是的"DO,DOES"是只做的意思,还是指DO YOU LIKE .中的疑问次?我的意思是,助动词中的,DO ,DOES ,指的是一般疑问句中的开头的那个DO 如:DO YOU LIKE VOLLBAL? wat a lost of check yourself before you wreck yourself .啥意思? check yourself before you rock yourself.说别人之前,你先看看你是什么东西.是这个意思吗? It's cold here.-------- I switch on the heating?A.Should B.Shall C.Would D.Will答案为什么是B “由于被骗了多次,他不再相信任何人”这样翻译对吗 Cheated many times,he believed nobody. nobody can be happy all the time 怎么翻译