
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:09:05
“一个女人如果被强奸,主观是肯定是不愿意的,但是客观,身体上可以说是享受的”这句话对吗?有相关证明吗?额……我是女人…… 记叙文以情感示人,——性是它的主要特点;说明文按对象分为——和事理说明文;以——为标准可划分为平实性说明文和文艺性说明文 意志不坚定怎么办? Can you tell( )the way to the shop?A.heB.hisC.herD.she选哪个才对啊!给位大哥 fact can you tell me which is the way to the shop?和can you tell me where is the shop哪个对?为什么? 治疗小儿疺平疣(水猴子)的办法?3Q小儿现在俩岁,一岁半时发现颈部有透明小水泡,去医院检查是疺平疣,俗称水猴子,用过外用药效果不明显,去医院捏破后上碘酒,也经常反复. 英语填空,给的单词是hope为什么用hopefulwe're sure it is((( hopeful )))that the food safety problem will be improved in China with the hard work of the WHO and the Chinese government 单词Hopefully怎样用?那种意思更贴切?是"希望某事会发生".还是"某事有发生的可能"? thankfully与hopefully有什么区别? 学而习之,不亦智乎的意思 英语翻译We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study,but the methods of testing a person’s knowledge and ability remains as primitive as ever they were.It really is extraordinary that after all these years,educationists have sti 数学难题!(做足球)做足球要用黑色皮子和白色皮子.黑色皮子是正五边形,白色皮子是正六边形.已知做一个足球用了12块黑皮子,那么用了多少块白色皮子?组合形式:一块黑皮子周围是五块 学而时习之的下一句是什么? 谁能给我《三峡》(郦道元写的)的准确翻译 学而时习之的下句是什么 子曾经曰过:“学而时习之,……”下一句是啥来着? 郦道元所描写的景色将有什么变化? 学而时习之的后一句是什么 尼尔森数据里fc fm f 纳尔逊原则是什么 "纳尔逊式的语气"是什么意思?在书上看的 说的是周恩来 He wanted to play in the garden the minutes ago 里面的to 为什么要加to we played the game pock,paper,scssors.英译汉 有关古墓丽影游戏的英译汉.I have always been interested in creating messages through images.Over the years I have concepted a variety of marketing images for the games I’ve been involved with,from the box cover of the original Tomb Raide she was revise for the test 有错吗 英语翻译if you don't revise for 24 hours:如果你不复习达24小时revise:vt.这里是:复习1.修订,修改2.改变,修改(意见或计划)3.修正;改变4.[主英国英语]复习,温习 十字相乘计算方法,带图,.教教我怎么计算 十字相乘怎么用来的?以前会但现在忘了 最好有图 sister’s noise 歌词 因式分解的十字相乘问题,图中圈起来的那句话看不明白用意 求钢兵 sister's noise mp3410402431或者下载地址