
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 16:36:43
He goes to the cinema with Jim(jim画线)对画线部分提问 Who does he go to the cinema with?用Whom可以吗 fold是什么意思 七个字母,5个字母为一组,一共可以排多少组? 20个字母10个一组能有多少组字母可重复 什么是moutain fold 26个字母三个排一组能有几组坑爹了,我要试2600多种密码,电脑会报废吗? 一组字母ABCBAABCBAAB……第27个字母是?第128个字母是?第304个字母是? 英语翻译 请翻译 “兹证明张女士在XX公司正常缴纳5项社会保险” Please go to the library with yourteacher是什么意思 汽车的fold灯是什么意思 "华山是中国名山之一“用英语怎么写 Are these _______.A.yours pens B.pens yours C.yours pen D.your pen 耶名山的英文名是什么谁有它的简介? Are these pens yours?不应该是Are these your pens?不懂. Our pens are alike=my pen __ __yours帮忙! How does your brother go to the school,Susan?AHow does your brother go to the school,Susan?A By bus B Byacar C On feet D On bike 月落乌啼霜满天,江风渔火对愁眠.是写愁的吗 "About School"Fold-up Book 关于做教案的 The boy is in the green.What's the meaning of in the green? 请问:there are still no forecasts for when human cloning will be perfected.里的when是什么从句? 已知︱x︱≦1,︱y︱≦1,求证︱(x+y)/(1+xy)︱≦1课本原题! 我升高二了,自己选的是理科,老实说高一读的不是很好?特别是数学,会不要很吃力呢 telephone number 啥意思,我要音标!音标! telephone number的音标 ring up的音标是什么?意思是什么?那a telephone,an IP card,use a telephone呢?记得音标 也有a telephone,an IP card,use a telephone的音标? LadyGaga的《telephone》的中文音标翻译 急求电影《狙击电话亭》的英文观后感!追加100分Request:The Economic Crisis in the movie(request:at least 2000 words in English; you have to address the following aspects: its influnce on people's life, people's attitude towards it) 求电影《狙击电话亭》(Phone booth)英文剧本 photo booth怎么用 如果你不吃药的话会有危险 英文怎么说 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠.相应的月相为 寻章摘句老雕虫,晓月当帘挂玉弓.相应的月相为请注明推敲过程,不在乎答案,只在乎理由