
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:34:29
Our English club has about 30 p() What do you know about English food?怎么回答 What about joining an English club?转换三个同义句.没有how about. 英语翻译Good mannersSocial customs and ways of behaving change.Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable.Just a few years ago,it was considered impolite behaviour for a man to smoke on street.No man who thought of hi 写一篇以“What do you think a good friend should be like”为题的英文短文.提示必须用:1 终生朋友,可以信任.2 无话不谈,推心置腹.3 同甘共苦,患难之交.注意:1.可适当增加细节,是内容连贯;2.次数120 英文作文:what makes a good party 英语翻译I think in far too many.I think in far too many families not only do children come to take their parents' generosity for granted, but also the effects of this can actually be somewhat harmful to children. 英语翻译:Next week is Dale 's birthday party,Let's think about the food. 英语翻译Help!打错了!应该是汉语解释和短语解释!sorry! He eats _ food, so he is _ fat. A. much too;too much B.much too;too many C.what to makeHe eats _ food, so he is _ fat.A. much too;too much B.much too;too many C.what to make D.how to making 英语四级单词及同步mp3读音!20分!不要高频词汇,要完整版,并带有mp3读音的.我实在是下不到了,发给我更感谢了. liu_yifeng0417@126.com 跪求英语四级词汇MP3格式,带读音和翻译的 刘一男的四级精讲四千词和四级前世今生的视频和文档!发邮箱 robinsen@126.com 求2012英语四级词汇mp3格式(有带拼写) charlie_fmb4@126.com.万分感谢! 填数找规律6/7、4/7、2/7、( )、1/14、( )前面第一个是6/7,而不是8/7 -3 -2 5 24 61 122的排列规律 -3,-2,5()61,122请问括号里应填多少? 找规律:1 -1 7 -15 31 -61 ( ) ( )1 -3 7 -15 31 -63 ( ) ( ) 上面打错啦,见谅 找规律1/2,1,1/3,4/3,4/15,( ),( ), 找规律()、()、15、13、()、9、()、3、1 -3 5 ( ) 61 122 填什么?2 -3 5 ( ) 61 122 该填好多? 问个数理逻辑题2+2=4是陈述句吗? 数理逻辑一题0 1 12 36 80( )A79 B80 C85 D90 离散数学数理逻辑题在P系统中构造下面推理的证明:P125如果今天是周六,我们就到颐和园或圆明园玩.如果颐和园游人太多,就不去颐和园.今天是周六,并且颐和园游人太多.所以我们去圆明园 1996的平方乘以2004-1999的平方 25×101的2次方-99的2次方×25 (1-2分之1的平方)乘(1-3分之1)的平方乘.乘(1-99分之1)的平方 (1-11的平方)乘(1-12的平方)乘……乘(1-99的平方) 1乘2分之1的平方+2的平方+2乘3分之2的平方+3的平方……99乘100分之99的平方+100的平方 小学题把下面的式子列成综合算式3-2.25=0.751-0.75=0.250.25×3=0.752-0.75=1.25综合算式:)- - 帮下忙,两道题,要列算式 将下面两题分别列出二种不同算式.( ⊙ o ⊙ )1、学校里有16棵李树,李树的棵数是桃树的2/3倍 ,两种树共有多少棵?2、 粮店运进大米和面粉的质量比是7∶4,已知大米比面粉多运来450千克,运进大