
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 00:05:05
懂葡萄牙语的进来~我猜了点~NOME COMPLETO:Tamara Angel [这是姓名..]DATA DE NASCIMENTO:19 de junho de 1991 [出生日期吧..91年?]SIGNO:Gêmeos MÃE:RosangelaPAI:Luis CarlosIRMÃOS:Abner(21) e Tayani(16).Angel é a filha ma 懂葡萄牙语的朋友进来!DEDIADISSIPADOR 懂葡萄牙语的朋友进请问Al 有个人名字叫XXX Al-YYY,如果XXX是名,那么他姓什么?是YYY 还是 Al-YYY?还有,葡萄牙语的名字(我指的是葡萄牙和巴西)也和英语一样是由教名、中间名和姓氏组成的吗? take a trip的音标是什么,急,现在就要,要有音标的 the fire was put out可以改为the fire wasn't on I won't go out _______ the rain.是选because还是because of The boys had put out the campfire.The fire was not___.A switched on B on fire C on D alight i think this show is very interesting -i agree__you.A.to B.about C.of D.whith i agree with you 与 i think so 有什么区别?-- I think cooking is for moms .--______.We should work hard at school.A.I agree with you B.I think so C.I can't agree with you D.Good idea Don't you think Sam is the best person for the position?He is very wise ._ I dom't quite agree.He is __wise.Amore kind than B as kind as C not so kind as D kinder than为什么选A Without it,the Sun would burn us up.为什么用would?这Without it, the Sun would burn us up. 为什么用would?这是什么用法 虚拟语态吗? Happyness is more than pleasure without pain 怎么翻译 求翻译.It would hurt even more without it. I put more coal on the fire.我往火里再加了些煤.more coal为什么coal是 单数? she thinks Jhon is not a good student.这个句子对吗?I don't think Jhon is a good student.这是一个否定前置的句子,前提是主语是第一人称.我想问,如果主语是第三人称,或第二人称,是否需要否定前置.例:She thin 懂葡萄牙语的请看看哪位能告诉我这句话的意思eu quero você pra mim 谁懂葡萄牙语啊?我的一个秘鲁客户发给我一个文件,是葡萄牙语的,我是着实看不懂,哪位大侠可以留下你们的在线联系方式,谢过了 找懂葡萄牙语的朋友帮忙?帮我看看这枚章? I'm going to on a big trip和I'm going on a big trip意思一样吗课本说第1句是将来时.OK? I am going on a big big用翻译吗? I'm going on a big trip?什么时态?另外,怎么翻译呢?be doing 不是一般现在时吗 I am (going on a big trip)对括号提问 Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off.这句话什么意思? cs中的fire the 有fire on-the-go这种用法吗? go off the AOM爱TINA吗 我想学英语,找什么地方读好呢?因为要上班,所以最好双休日去读一天的. 我想学习英语,目的是为了能够用英语和老外交流,若是自学,我应从哪方面入手呢本人没读完高中,且已有几年没接触过英语了,语法之类的忘记的比较多,其它的还行 英语翻译Dear Mr.Carirod,有任何问题请尽管问,我会尽快为您解答.关于包装尺寸,产品采用裸装,我们会用泡泡膜(蛇皮纸)将产品包好,这样能节省您做木箱的费用也能节省空间.(请看附件的包装 英语翻译Espero que voce um bom dia.Boa noite e bons sonhos!So quero dizer.Boa noite!Tenho muito saudead de si.最好可以在每个相对的单词边上帮我注上中文 . 英语翻译sprayaromatizante bucal com mel ,propolis e erva docemodo de usar:aplicar na boca varias vezes ao diaelaborado com mel ,propolis,erva doce e eucaliptolmantenha fora do alcance das criancas东西是在巴西买的.