
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:41:25
lisa’s brother likes playing 【】 his dog 这句话怎么翻译?前面还有一句Some G-Eight members have proposed not to cancel debts, but to suspend repayments.Another issue is how to pay for debt cancellation. 当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式那么“两公斤肉多少钱?” 翻译成 How much are two kilos of meat?这里are 英语翻译请问能用英文回答吗?或帮我找点资料也行. 31-710等于多少是31-71/60等于多少 tom has dinner at home. 1、She has dinner at home.(改为否定句) She 【】【】dinner at home.2、Please let me look at your new bike.(改为同义句)Please【】your new bike 【】me.Please【】me your new bike.3、There is a big playground in our school. We should have dinner at home改否定句 bob has chicken for dinner i'm piaying the piano he does his homework at home改否定句the old man can piay tennis racket改否定句 I have to have dinner at home.改为否定句 ____ ____ ____ ____ dinner at home. 请问fund by 原句是Each investor can access his capital accounts,transactions history,and underlying portfolio on a fund by fund basis as well as on a consolidated basis(每一位投资者都可以基金内基金或统合的方式访问他的 什么是master fund?feeder fund? sinking fund 在债券中 什么是mutual fund?能不能具体介绍一下 一句话的英语语法问题,关于动词单复数形式.Her kindness and courage touch my heart.Her kindness and courage touches my heart.动词用第三人称单数形式touches还是复数形式touch?——kindness 和courage都是不可数名 fund of fund是什么含义? 87.92平方分米等于多少平方米? 百度词典在线发音ship这个单词怎么读 92平米等于多少亩请给出依据及计算公式, ship怎么发音 请问8平方丈等于多少平方米 will和ship中i发音一样吗 ship音标中的i需要发音吗?如果需要的话i和前面“像虫子”的音标组合怎么发音? Tom always likes to help people,but his brother is _____.A.helpless B.unhelpful tom is different from his twin brother改为同义句tom is __ __ __ __ his twin brother.she helped me with my english yesterday.改为同义句she helped me (___) ____ english yesterday 英语翻译我突然拥有了freedom,没想到这么多年还是一样的执着.不要问我为什么突然需要freedom,我只是徘徊在勇气懦弱之间.抬头看看天空,好像它还是一样的蔚蓝,可是莫名却感到一丝空洞.假如 My plane paid off中pay off意思是成功.而I have paid of my debt中意为"还清”pay off到底是什么意呢? pay off 与 pay off 的区别pay off 做还清意义讲时与pay back 有什么区别..?举几个例句叭.. pay back、pay off二者有什么区别?分别是什么意思? pay,pay for,pay back,pay off,pay back for的用法 pay off 与pay back 的区别,哪个词组有表示偿还的意思,是pay off吗 soap opera连读怎么读