
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:08
I live beside the river and build dams.打一单词, how do people live 与 how can people live有什么区别吗?RT 状语是in places far away 问个很傻的问题:什么是APS审核?本人真的不懂!望大虾指教! She sings_____a nightingale.Aas Blike C both A and B\ 两个整数,个位数字都不是0;乘积为1000000,这两个数各是多少?(写明解题思路) 药敏试验多久出结果 怎么做药敏实验 There are a lot of singns here,ben.yes.there,re public signs.they mean different tings. Don't call me?now.I'm having a meeting Don`t call me ____ 9 p.m.____ 10 p.m.because I am at an important meetingbetween...and..还是 from...to visit(名词形式) Don’t call my number Don’t call me over Don’t call me baby Jack knows a lot about the signs here.〔改为一般疑问句〕 什么 Jack 什么 a lot about the signa here 药敏化验几天出结果 720,1800,1080共有多少个公约数?不要和别人学) 1800的公约数 1800 2160 2400共有多少个公约数 甲乙两个自然数的最大公约数为720,求甲乙两数的公约数的个数 water can changewatre is____0度 watre is_____100度那个,我是要填空,不是要翻译…… 诶诶诶?是叫填翻译的嘛? water can change i( ) 首字母填空 water has no c( ) and no shape 支原体药敏检查几天拿结果是去福州妇幼或医科大学附属医院做检查,不知道哪家医院更好点,大概什么时候就可以拿结果!如果有知道的给我顺便介绍下这两医院主要治疗支原体感染比较厉害 根号下(x-1)的平方 括号内的数必须大于0吗 Ben jumps higher than some of the boys in his class.这句话有什么错误并改正 visit的名词形式可数吗?或者直接告诉我这题选什么?I haven't seen Mr.black and his wife for a long time.------Blacks are on -------visit to Africa.A./;a B.A;the CThe;a DThe;/ I ( )(jump) higher than some of the girls in my class Which three letters make a boy into a man? Where three letters make a boy into a man? what three letters make a boy into a man 要求写出一个字母, what three letter make a boy into a man? 药敏实验敏感度S/R/I分别是什么意思?怎么用药?我的药敏实验,环丙沙星的敏感度是R,医生给我开了盐酸环丙沙星片,是否用药合理? 我的支原体鉴定及药敏分析报告如下,人型支原体生长 菌落计数>10E4ccu/ml(mycoplasma hominis.)解脲支原体生长 菌落计数>10E4ccu/ml(ureaplasma urealyticum,)阿齐霉素、克拉霉素、罗红霉素是耐药强力霉素 Tom 的个子当然很高 英文 Tom _____ _____ very tall