
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:08:46
题西林壁的诗意是什么?不用说太多! 题西林壁的完整诗意 题西林壁诗意 题西林壁的诗意我只要诗意,其他什么都不要说 为什么化学反应一开始比较慢然后慢慢变快然后又变快 《世说新语》分别告诉我们什么做人道理 求五年级上册科学复习提纲 求7年级上册语文的复习提纲求七年级上册语文的复习提纲,要详细一点的,要背的,不是试卷. you may b. your finger if you play with a match 同义句转换 急!谢谢 no,there aren't any in this drawer.try that one.这句话前面因该怎么问? Mother's dayI have a beautiful mother.I like she very much.Mother is that I have made many , I want to give her small gift in Mother's Day in that day. Thereupon, I have bought a bunch of carnation. Although price is not high,it has represented my in 李清照的《声声慢》中叠词有什么样的表达效果和层次感 高考作文能用表示许多的单词有哪些啊?要高级词汇麻烦什many much lots of plenty of a number of这些就不要来了 太简单了 初中生都会最好可数不可数都能修饰的!拜托 游山西村的诗意是什么呀 I (does not,do not) know Berry is phonenumber.( )21 怎么知道哪些单词是高级词汇 《游山西村》的诗意( ) 应该的单词.高级词汇 甲、乙两人和做一项工程,若甲做4天,乙再做15天可完成任务,需要的工资费用为420元;若甲做八天,余下的工程由乙单独完成,则乙完成剩余工程的时间比乙单独完成的时间少10天,共需要工资费 -3.14乘35.2加6.28乘(-23.3)-15.7乘36.4 一件工作,甲单独做15小时完成,乙单独做12小时完成,若甲先做成小时,乙接着做甲做法小时,最后甲,乙两人合作,再做几小时完成?用方程计算,对不起,打错了是;若甲先做1小时,乙接着做甲做3小时 what's the meaning of these vocabulary1:post listening2:make fun of What does Linda think of her work? "let it be." what's the meaning of the sentences?类似的句子表达有什么?这句话可以翻译成:我想知道除了这样的表达,还有其它类似的表达吗? 疯狂猜图 品牌 一个红色的圆里面一个指南针的符号 proper___ and exercise are both important for health A.food B.diet C.foods D.diets The giant panda will grow _____(health),if they get enough food.grow有没有特殊的用法,比如表达某意思时,相当于系动词,后加adj. —Did you remember the days _____ we worked on the farm?—Certainly.Especially the hard time _____ we spent together.A.which;when B.when;which C.when;when D.which;which they need enough food and ——(live)areas they didnt know enough about food.分析句子成分 I am a little tired.等于什么 a little tired...keep myself...