
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:07:54
I wonder when your fruit will I wonder() you will go to the market by bues A when B who C how D that I wonder whether there will be one day when I can't afford to drive a car anymore. My father is a doctor in a hospital.When he comes back from w____,he reads some books about his work. when did it start? 解释 When did it start?为什么did用过去式? 25— _____ does your father go to work every day?By car.A.How B.Why C.Where D.When25— _____ does your father go to work every day?By car.A.How\x05\x05\x05B.Why\x05\x05\x05C.Where\x05\x05\x05D.When have supper now什么意思? let's have supper right now 我要翻译的仔细一点 she (have)supper now 将一黄色玫瑰的枝条做接穗,红色的玫瑰做砧木进行嫁接,嫁接上去的枝条上开的花是A.只有红色 B.只有黄色 C.橙色 D.有黄色又有红色 将一黄色玫瑰的枝条做接穗,红色的玫瑰做砧木进行嫁接,嫁接上去的枝条上开的花是 A.只有红色 B.只有黄将一黄色玫瑰的枝条做接穗,红色的玫瑰做砧木进行嫁接,嫁接上去的枝条上开的花 when do you begin to do morning_____(read)?要写原因 When you wake up in the morning,set a goal that today 为什么将一只黄色玫瑰的枝条做接橞,红色的玫瑰做砧木,接嫁上去的枝条开的花为什么是黄色的? good a lucky to your do,when,you,do,exercises,morning连词成句 What do you have to do in the moring?in the morning是今天早上吗? When you wake up in the morning,set a goal that today you must be better than yesterday. When did you start skating?A.Since two years ago.B.Since I was nine years old.C.For six hours.D.Five years ago. When did you start skating?的答语可以是when i was 7 years 作者是按什么顺序描写紫藤萝 根据多音字的读音,将下面的词语归类. 紫藤萝花 文段是按怎样的顺序,从哪几方面描写紫藤萝的 作者是从哪几个方面,按什么顺序对盛开的紫藤萝进行描写的? 紫藤萝瀑布是按_____到_____的顺序描写紫藤萝花的,具体先描写_____,在描写_____,最后描写_____. 英语翻译明天英语课要我搞课件上去唱歌.我理解这歌的意思,但是翻译出来失去了味道.请个高手帮我翻译一下,别像我一样死板就行. i do not know if you _____.if you ____,please call me tonight(come) 作者是从哪几个方面描写紫藤萝树的写出它的特点 紫藤萝中的大条幅写了紫藤萝哪方面的特点 not only your father but also you_____going to the history mueusmA.is B.are C.are D.will not only i but also you are a student 还是not only i but also you are students 哪句话正确啊?