
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:01:05
why chinese people are always discriminate poor guy? YUI这个英文名有什么含义我想取YUI作为自己的英文名,可以么,适合女孩子用么~想知道它的含义撒,谢啦 Mio 和Yui 做英文名,哪个好呢?或者有什么好听的推荐 They have a difficult time (to work /working) it on .到底用哪个?请说明理由! 请问STAND BY Sb中文是? 直接用 By sb stand by sb,stand behind sb,stand by one's side三者有什么区别 strong的英文的反义词是什么 strong的反义词是什么 Many experts think pigs are _____ to train than dogs or cats.A.easierB.much easyC.more easilyD.too easy选哪个?为什么? Many experts think pigs are ____ to train than dogs or cats.为什么不用more easily,而是easier?不是副词修饰动词吗?小女子英语差,求教! its、How、is、tail、long?连词成句还有is、bigger、Amy、than、strong连词成句 hair,girl,has,the,long,look (.)连词成句 look happy you so today连词造句 does WuYifan how feel at the ehd of game the连词造句 skirt for me n this+一段时间(sunday,weekend,afternoon等)是什么时态? this afternoon 在这个句子中能用什么时态!He ---(prefer) watch movie rather than stay at home tihis aftenoon.这个句子的 prefer 都能用哪些时态? 主语+动词原形/动词单三+介词短语.请问他的否定句,一般疑问句,肯否回答的结构,并造一个句子. he ___(do) the work this afternoon是用will do 还是 did Many people keep dogs at home because they are _ and intelligent. 求可以导入到有道4,6级单词,是XML格式的~ it rains cats and dogs. take turn to do 还是take turn do sth He has got big ears,big eyes,long arms and a long tail. take turns to do sth 这个句型里“turn”为什么要加S啊? take sb's turn to do sth 还是take sb's turn doing sth?为什么牛津字典里有句:Steve took a turn driving while i slept.这句话应当如何理解? 选词填空 1.He has got a cat.__(It's,Its) tail is long.2.Grandma can't cut the apple.Can you help__(she,her)?3.Let__(she,her) mother ride Linda's bicycle.4.The__(mice,mouse) are chasing the butterflies.5.Jack likes to play the___(football,violin). take to do还是take doing during 和 while的区别初中范围内就好 对主语进行提问 用“____”+介词短语? 介词短语的主语 如何确定为什么 1、以“城市,让生活更美好"为主题的上海世博会,让肤色不同、语言不同的人们在这样一个平台上共同寻找答案.这个句子的主语是世博会?而2、 由于游泳技术 想买一本字典,不知道柯林斯英汉词典咋样 英汉词典买怎样的好呢?一直想买本英汉词典了,但有大有小的,我觉得大的词汇量大点,但是小的有方便点,