
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:26:08
two want l to tomatoes eat 怎样连成句子? i'd like strawberries同义词 电饭锅内胆用英语怎么说? I'd like strawberries(保持原意) l'd like的完全形式急 He ____ a CD yesterday.A.buysB.buyC.bought l don't like copckes.的意思 昨天他很开心.翻译:He --- a --- --- --- --- l like cars.l don't like dolls.l have two cars.请问,急,明天就要上交了!ben:l like cars.l don'tlike dolls.l havetwo cars.bbetty:these are my toys.they are dolls.they are small.peter:these are my robots.they canwalk(走路) mary:l don' tlike I had a hamburger and a cola for lunch yesterday.(划线提问)划线为a hamburger and a cola答案是:what did you have for lunch yesterday?但我不明白的是did为什么不变成do呢?在疑问句中动词的过去式不是要还原吗? I like.,but l don't like.=l like...___?___ ___?___...,.. 非常感谢Know you i'm not sorry,i regret that i have met you PEN 是什么意思? a quarter to twelve 中文意思 ——________________________?——It's a quarter to twelve. He has hambuegers for dinner(对画线部分提问)画线:hamburgers He has (hamburgers) for supper.(对划线部分题问) a quarter to twelve的另一种说法 pen什么意思,急 he has (dinner) at 6:30 in the evening 对划线部分提问dinner为画线部分 刨床、插床、龙门铣床在应用范围上有什么区别 pen意思. 什么叫做 a twelve dollar 为什么港币叫dollar?貌似新台币和澳元都是这样的,why? 做洋葱拨片标本时,要用到两片特殊的玻璃,他们是?急用!晚上就要答案! 摄影用的摇臂为什么叫dollar? 制作临时拨片标本的步骤 鲸鲨是怎么样的? 鲸鲨属于什么类 关于“每一食,便念稼墙之艰难;每一衣,则思纺织之辛苦.”的名言警句 每一食,便念嫁墙之艰难;每一衣,则思纺织之辛苦是不是名言 每一食,便念嫁墙之艰难;每一衣,则思纺织之辛苦之类的名言警句