
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:00:18
楚庄王那么有才华的一个人,为什么仅仅是春秋五霸,天道不公啊. 英译汉 Hundreds of tall buildings 带斗字成语有哪些 带斗字的成语有哪些 作文记叙文600子 如何判断两个生物是否为同一种群?需要从哪个方面看呢?:一个学校的全部学生是否是同一种群?一片大湖中的水稻是否为同一种群? 英语翻译来自一本旅游指南chef-owner,author,BBC food-series personality,and pioneering seafood guru Rick Stein is perhaps best known for his signature fruits de mer plate,handpicked off the trawlers bobbing outside 英语翻译The number of people attending a meeting tends to be inversely proportional to their collective ability to reach conclusions and make decisions. neither nor 作主语 后面的谓语动词?比如这几个句子:1.Neither you nor I ___ student.2.Neither he nor she ___ student.3.Neither boys nor girls ___ student(s).[有这个用法么...]be动词填什么?后面student单数复数?【真会 月亮最早升起的地方就是太阳最早升起的地方吗 月球上太阳是从哪边升起本人感激不尽请给出详细资料 我想找一个电脑上用的英英电子词典,希望大家推荐一下我想找一下那种能发声的,不仅单词发声,给的英语解释和例句也能发音. 准备考上半年的BEC中级 想买一个电子词典 本人现在大三 快易典a920怎么样?能够满足需求了吗? 带兽的成语有什么?_? My grandfather ofter ()(听收音机)in the evening . My father____________________.He often_______________ in the evening.My father likes listening to music。  He often_______________ in the evening 求翻译,If If the internal area is not fully visible,flanges must be provided on the pipe bends. 蜚声中外是褒义词还是贬义词? My grandfather often tells us about the p life. How many days do you want to s in Beijing?If you want to sprak English well,you need to p it every day. 西语歌《回答我》谁唱的?西班牙语原名与原歌名?有首西班牙语歌曲叫做中文译名大概叫做《回答我》,新浪播客vicente的播客里有这个视频,求各位西语大虾这首歌西语名叫什么,歌手又是谁? May I ask a question after class ,Sir ? ___, but not during my lunch break.A I'm sorry b Anytime c Certainly d Go ahead 参考答案是B 答案错了吧确定答案错了吗? 我马上要参加中考了 不要误人子弟诶sudu 1.any,me,Miss,question,Li,ask,doesn‘t.2.English class usually songs after sings Hector 第一人称单复数和第二人称单复数+often后还要加s吗 often buy后面接的可数名词是复数还是单数理由? still often always 后谓语动词用单数还是复数啊~如:He still walk to schoolHe still walks to schoolHe stills walk to school这三句那个是对的? compasses圆规 只有复数形式吗? 雪花的快乐中反复出现飞飏,飞飏,飞飏表达出一种什么的执著 《雪花的快乐》中怎样理解诗中反复出现的飞飏 第二个字兽的成语 帮我做19道选择题1.______of the rooms is about sixty feet square.A.Every B.Both C.All D.Each2.There __________ in my class.Which of them do you want to see? John B.are three Johns C.are the John’s the John 3.Hurry up!We have only _ each 和 both-Which tie is more suitable for me,the red or the bliue one?-I have no idea.You'd better take them__________A each B both 英语选择题You can show us --- a picture.a.both b.either c.each d.every1 In this way,you ---have a better understanding of each other.a.can b.should c.must d.would2 Parents now ----more time in the c.stay d.have