
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:34:51
英语翻译Percentage of technical/vocational enrolment.The number of students enrolled in technical/vocational programmes at a given level of education expressed as a percentage of the total number of students enrolled in all programmes(technical/v 英语翻译Literacy rate.The number of literate persons in a given age group,expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group.The adult literacy rate measures literacy in persons aged years and above,and youth literacy rate in per 英语翻译Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary.The total number of new entrants in the last grade of primary education,regardless of age,expressed as a percentage of the population of the theoretical entrance age to the last grade. He was writing a letter___ pen.A.in B.in a C.with D.use.填什么 为什么急 已知关于x的方程(x-1)/(x-2)=m/(x-1)+1,若方程有增根,求m的值. then I realize why you told me never give up语法对吗还是一定要then I realize why you told me not to give up forever 离骚全文, 离骚全文屈原的作品 列方程组, 《离骚》全文 离骚全篇都背? 己知直角三角形的周K为(2+根号6)米,斜边的中线长1米,试求该直角三角形的较短直角边的长. 列方程组解应用题,求学霸! 高中离骚要背哪些? 高中离骚中的哪些要背?不会全背吧,两千多字哪~~~~ 一定拿语文书给我照,我要看书本上离骚节选,我好知道背哪段, 劲舞团event活动卡怎么使用?活动卡是怎么使用?是一次性的还是7天里无限使用?啊对了.可以再告诉我VIP是怎么计时的么?是拿DJ的时候扣内12小时还是跟衣服一样不上号不拿DJ也扣时间? 12分之x=4分之3:8分之1 0.6分之3.6=x分之1.2 12分之x=4分之3:8分之1 0.6分之3.6=x分之1.2 [强心脏]Nichkhun说给宋茜做了Event?指什么?[强心脏]Nichkhun说给宋茜做了Event?然后宋茜哭了,说这时候觉得要是跟宋茜是真的在一起的话就好了.指什么? event management 是什么课程?想了解一下Event Management 是什么课程,职业前景是什么?属于商科吗 离骚 好难背 怎么快速背过啊 百万亚瑟王里 有3个秘境上写着event 我知道彩虹之谷的活动 怎么背离骚最快 如何才能背完《离骚》 sentences 英语:sentences是什么意思 The scientists who worked with Einstein admired him ______(great) The city was held ____ the enemy . A by B for C on D with of course,the motivation of the management scientists to do so(occasionally with great glee)may have stemmed as much from a desire to claim public administration as an inseparable part of the management field as from a dedication to shed intellectual 关于event.cancelBubble和event.stopPropagation的区别介绍 event是什么意思 去韩国让带牛肉干(老四川那样包装的),鱿鱼丝啥的?可以带多少?我是从仁川机场入境 英语翻译