
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:21:18
_______ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.A. Being published B. Published_______ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.A. Being publishedB. PublishedC. PublishingD. To be published 满分:4 分 展示中国发展新貌,荟萃世界文明精华.上海世博会开幕式之夜,歌声水影,美不胜收.cuǐ璨夺目的焰火,映照着“中西合璧”的建筑物轮廓;梦幻灵动的展示,演绎着穿越时空的多元文化.中国人以 Published as it was at such a time,his work attracted munch attention.这句话中as是什么成分啊?开始我以为是as引导的让步状语从句,后来发现不是.as引导的让步状语从句,是将做表语和状语的形容词、名词、 世博会给上海带来了哪些巨大的变化 How important keeping healthy is.其中"important"是什么成分? how important is keeping healthy to you .我想问,如果把to 变成for可以吗,保持健康对你多么重要 “how important is keeping healthy to you”是定语从句吗?是的话那它的结构是怎样? Beautiful Brocade 这句单词的英文缩写怎么写?这句话可以翻译成 美之锦 吗? 用所给的单词组成句子,注意大小写和标点符号 T-shirt beautiful Kitty's bicycle Don't have your children______for hours doing their homework in___dark a room.a.sitting,so b.sit,so c.to be sitting,so d.to sit,such但a 和 b选哪个,我知道so such怎么区分。 以下诗句的主旨句是什么.个表达什么思想感情? 《赠从弟》的主旨是什么?我只要主旨..不要赏析..一句话就够类.. 赠从弟的中心思想 it is a good book that will help you a lot "a good book "在句中作什么成分 英语翻译1 你打算送你女朋友什么生日礼物呢?2 我不知道该送女友什么礼物,你能给点建议么?3 你可以送她一个手链,或是送一个相册吧.4 他送了一幅自己画的画,给女友当礼物.5 他每次出差回 阅读古诗《赠从弟》回答问题本诗以_____为喻,采用______的手法,_____象征坚贞不屈的美好品格,______象征恶劣的环境.借_____表达了作者勉励堂弟__________________________________________________________________ 初二的古诗赠从弟 是其几 He was always making fun of( )animals.请填入正确答案:A、others B、the other C、anotherD the others我觉得好像没一个是对的. how important is keeping healthy to you这句话有什么语法什么的句型什么的解释下,九年6单元的 For ___ are interested in English ,they will catch every opportunity to learn and practice.为什么选those who不选them who,person who 英语翻译退休后自行离党,既没有参加过党组织活动,也没有缴纳过党费还有一句,李女士从我单位退休20年以来 送客诗 表达了诗人怎样的情怀 how r u doing和the game的beautiful day的空间链接 we are makeing a modelplane变成一般 疑问句 You are doctors.变一般疑问句怎么变?Are we...还是Are you...问句第一人称变第二人称,那第二人称变一吗 Fill in the chart 江苏省宜兴市环科园新城路 英文怎么写? 拜托高人———— men prize the thing ungain'd more than it is We start school at 9.改为一般疑问句 the beautiful day 翻译 13年专八的一道改错题if a relative or colleague has had a stroke which has influenced their language,if we observe a child acquire language.题目中答案改的是把acquire 改成acquiring 但我觉得their 也要改成his 或者her.求英 实行“一国两制”后,社会主义制度和资本主义制度在国家内部具有相同的地位和作用.这句话对吗?