
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:40:56
英语,写回信阅读下面的来信,请根据来信的内容给汤姆写一封回信.要求语言通顺、有层次感,字数严格控制在100词左右.Dear Mr.Liu,I failed in my English test again.I think I have tried my best.I don’t know why I 写英语的回信.Dear ** I'm very happy to see you soon!I'll go to China next month .But I don't know much about China and Chinese food. Whan do you have for breakfast,lunch and dinner?Do you have humburgers orfor lunch?Whan's your favorite food (a+b)/2大于等于根号下ab 的推导过程?要详细过程.符号说不清可以用文字说明. 英文回信,.怎么写?how are you ,i know you have been in anew school for a few months .please tell me about it .do you follow the rules all the time ,please remember to send a copy of the e-mail to julie ,she wants to know about your school too,i 家有儿女第一部学英语那集是第几集 最好有链接姥姥和别人比赛学英语,刘星当老师那集 Can you buy T-shirts in the store?yes I can. 家有儿女 《家有儿女》是哪些人物 英语作文:1自我介绍、2我的朋友,60词,谢谢了啊\(≧▽≦)/ 请教一道英语听力题there is nothing worse than a really bad one either啥意思呢?97年英语六级听力题目passage 2中出现过,there is nothing like a good relationship.But I am not so sure.There is nothing worse than a really bad one, There's nothing worse than waking up on a ( ) day 填颜色 .“三个代表”重要思想要回答的主要问题是( ) word中页面左边界怎么设置,原题是设置整篇文档的页面左边界为:3.2厘米 判断题!"三个代表"重要思想创造性的回答了"什么是社会主义,以及怎样建设社会主义"这一核心问题 复印机能否将刚复印过的资料在没有原稿的情况下再次印出来 we go 英语go和gose的用法 御龙在天飞电马与流星马同级那个跑得快 it's wonderful on the's wonderful _____(play) on the beach. 海滩的一天 THAT DAY ON THE BEACH怎么样 my day on zhe beach的意思 以“A Happy day on the beach”为题,至少写五句话.下列文字供参考sandcastle swimming sea shells(贝壳) food fun collect sweetmeat和dessert什么区别? 有一本书,原价售出,每本利润0.24元,现降价,卖量多1倍,获利比原来增加0.5倍,降价多少元,急!过程要详细,容易懂,最难不过一元二次,答得好追加悬赏 就越安静 越是久,越是真 就越安静 越是久 就越平淡…! 极其简单但是我有点问题...1.what ______ just now?a girl cried because she couldn't find her mother.答案是happened 我写的是happens请问它后面不是有just now 为什么还要用过去时,答句也是过去时?明明是现在发生 沉默似金作何解释. 越是真 就越安静 越是久 就越平淡…! 御龙在天马匹炼化,炼化度怎么提高 办手抄报的纸长宽是多少? (1)确定一个k的值,使函数y=k/x在(0,+无穷大)上为增函数(2) 确定一个K的值,使函数y=k/x在(0,+无穷大)上为减函数 长汀金龙稀土什么成立的