
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:03:01
中国目前自行设计建造的最先进的超大型油轮——中海油运公司“新埔洋号”已于2010年1月24日从从广州龙穴造船基地启程进行处女航.这艘“海上巨无霸”是美国最大航母的3倍,甲板长333米. arms-length negotiation何意? length 翻译成西班牙文是什么?翻译成法文呢? This group is celebrating twenty-five years of work directly with very poor people to help them set up businesses. OF 后面不应该是working吗?work要是名词的话 with very poor people 什么成分 修饰谁 不属于酸或盐的哪些物质反应的离子方程式与强酸强碱的离子反应式相同 在句子中填上带有“信”的词语磊磊是最值得我( )的朋友.当我遇到困难,他不断地鼓励我,让我树立( );当我违背诺言时,他教育我要诚实( ).小学即将毕业了,我们互赠( )愿我 "hearing-impaird"是什么意思 英语 congessional hearing Many of his charges would not have been accepted in a court of a law.But rules governing congressional hearings were different.So he was able to make his accusations freely.(原句)还像是说美国的一个部门.“But 请问confirmation hearing是什么意思?rt win a hearing是什么意思 have selective hearing JAVA中border layout ,flow layout ,grid layout三个的区别和联系能帮我说说JAVA中border layout ,flow layout ,grid layout这三个的区别和联系吗越详细越好啊谢谢大家了! 1835年,“ ”安徒生决定给孩子写童话,出版了《讲给孩子们的故事》,其中收入了哪四篇童话? 世界上独一无二的法国特产的硬式“法式棍”面包,它是因外形像一条长长的棍子而得名.如何翻译成英语 hearing accessible 中山哪里有法国面包买..是那种很硬的,长棍法国面包.. What number is one third of the way from 1/4 to 3/4? the titie the author album的中文解释 什么是 trade name impairment charges这句话怎么翻译:the segment had an operating loss of $$ million,including goodwill and trade name impairment charges of $$$ million and restructuring charges of $ million. 关于雪的名言警句 千万不要诗千万不要诗啊 关于雪的名言,不要诗句 关于雪的名言(不要诗句)急需 arrangement的动词形式 怎样去除塑料书包的塑料味 急需鼓励名言 怎样才能加入 苹果天才吧 团队最近比较闲,偶然发现知道上有那么多对MAC缺乏了解,或者需要帮助的人,就开始给他们解答.答了2天,今天发现能答的题都答完了.剩下就是申请ID和盗版软件的求 被动语态转换,帮个忙,很赶啊…1.Miss Luo will give us a talk on Friday.2.Have you finished the work?3.Can you grow rice in the north of China?4.I saw him get into your room yesterday.5.You must return the book on time.6.We haven't finished 把这几个句子转化成被动语态,帮个忙!~1. They are building a bridge over the river. _________________________________________2. He takes out the rubbish once a week. _________________________________________3. We have translated the i think you sre should tell me do you seek 中文怎么解释 The room is so quiet that I could hear the of my heartSoundBeatSlapKnock My heart is quiet that is written in my heart和that is write in my heart的区别有劳了各位.