
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:26:33
英语翻译Effect of prolonged stimulation on cerebral hemodynamic:a time-resolved fNIRS study.PURPOSE:Sustained attention is one of the most important cognitive abilities for the management of everyday life,but it is often studied only at the behav 下雨了是不是完整的句子 请把句子填写完整?下雨了,------说:“不怕,我把------带来了.”列子:下雨了,蜗牛说:“不怕,我把房子带来了.” 我认为青少年不应该喝酒的英语作文 青少年应该干什么不应该干什么 英语作文英语作文,带翻译 青少年应该干什么,不应该干什么 青少年"跪父母"的英语作文为什么还没有解决? 英语作文 父母的童年 选择正确的词填空July 20th,1969 was __(a an)exciting day.Two Americans___(get got) to the moon.They were the __(one first)men on the moon.Their names were Armstrong and Aldrin.They went to the moon ___(in by)spaceship.The name of the spaceship 选择恰当的词填空.I me my you your he him his "I'm going to the airport to meet your uncle,Billy.Here's twenty dollars.It's for_breakfast.I'll come to pick___up after school,___dear."said Mrs.Li.Mrs.Li went to Billy's school in the afternoon.B 选择正确词语填空夜已深了,月光如乳汁般泻在湖面上,一切都显得那么(),月光下,一个小姑娘站在湖边()着湖面,若有所思,显得那么(). 急.选用正确的词填空.1 Everybody(believe)(believes)he will win.2 Is your watch made(of)(from)gold?3 At the end of the month I received my(salary)(wages) 写话下雨了,雨从天上掉下来,发出什么声音,雨点好象在说些什么 选择恰当的词语填空1.一个人不去劳动,只是呆呆地等待所有的收获,这只能是一种( )2.人类虽没有翅膀,但我们却拥有( ),所以我们依然能在蓝天翱翔.A.幻想 B.痴想 先组词,再选择恰当的词语填空雅:优雅、____、____、____……1.粉嫩的荷花和碧绿的荷叶、婀娜的垂柳组成一幅清新( )的画面 选择恰当词语填空1.即 既 竟 竞 ( )立 ( )究 ( )毕 (在线等)请以给出的句子为例讲解过去完成时和过去完成进行时!原句:He had lived in Scotland for fifteen years before he came to England.能否把had lived换成had been living?如果能的话意思是否发生改变?过 山东蓝色海洋经济区包括哪些城市?就有威海(我自豪,哈),青岛和烟台吗?没日照?还有,青岛,烟台,威海,日照,被称为沿海四小龙.但是我就是不知道,日照是不是山东蓝色海洋经济区. 高一英语语法 用所给词的适当形式填空-I didn't know you were good friends.-You ___(can have).I have known her since she moved here.You were studying abroad then.-Where is my dictionary?-Somebody __(must take)it away by mistake.He didn' 求助一道高一英语用用所给词的适当形式填空.If the treatment is ____(success),she would be back at school next month.我也觉得是形容词successful,但是老师给的标准答案是副词successfully 下雨了,来接孩子的家长们撑着伞,仿佛( )把比喻句补充完整 猜中国地名:1大江东去 2永久太平 3蓝色之洋 4滚滚长江 5金银铜铁 6 风平浪静 7一路平安 8航空信顺便还有成语之最 最大的嘴——() 最长的腿——() 最大的地方——() 最大的变化— 下雨了.改成比喻句和拟人句 航空信打一中国地名 “许多伞在大街上移动”改成比喻句 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物.打一中国地名.说明为什么 许多伞在大街上移动比喻句 打一中国地名千里戈壁 八月飘香香满园 拿枪的男子 银河渡口 空中霸王 倾盆大雨 打一中国地名 完形填空Mrs smith is an old woman.she___ the idea that old woman can't wearbeautiful clothes.she likes ___ words about her looks and clothes.she likes to___many kinds of clothes.she spends much __on new clothes.sometimes,she waers a new skirt for 完形填空Mrs Brown is 56 years old.She likes wearing后面整片答案 Is she mrs brown(改错) Mrs Green lives in the country,and she doesn’t know London very well.One day,she went to London.she can’t find her_1_.Just then she__2__a man near a bus stop.“I can ask him the way,”she said to__3__and asked,“Excuse me,will you please__4__m