
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:34:42
anything wrong和any mistakes意思一样吗?在这一句中“Is there ______(什么毛病)with the computer?”,正确答案是anything wrong,但我想问问可以填any mistakes吗?希望大家可以耐心给我意见~ 那些动词后面可以加动词不定式 v后+不定式、 后面加不定式的动词有哪些? 跳高比赛中成绩最差英语翻译 英语翻译好急, 英语翻译i helped michael to walk 23.The fire destroyed ____ was in the building.A.all B.what C.that D.which 这些句子的结构,为什么要选择这样的答案和这些句子的意思 英语翻译题:肯确实做了很多好事.Ken ( )do many good things. Jackie can't fall asleep( because ti is too noisy)对括号离得提问 ( ) ( )Jackie fall asleep? 7.It's too noisy here,I can't _______.A.go to sleepB.fall to sleepC.sleepingD.get to sleep The environment can change my feelings.I live in a big city.At night,it’s too noisy for me fall 刚学的 谁帮我翻译一下 I can't buy( )meat because it is( ) dear.A.too much,too much.B.too much,much too.C.much too,too much.D.much too,much too. 小刀怎么翻译成英文 你有小刀吗?翻译成英文是什么? 小刀用英语怎么读 Because you appear in my life.that makes with unconscious.I'm nearly fall in love with you!是什么 He did nothing but read the textbook and go over the notes.句子中为什么用go over而不是went over? I'm glad i went over all my notes,otherwise____这个是虚拟语气 ,但是为什么用 I'd have failed 这种形式 ,这种是套用书上 if虚拟预期的用法吗,还是单独有这方面的讲解? 如果我去巴黎.我将会去看埃菲尔铁塔.(虚拟语气)If i went there,iIf i went there ,i'd .................... ( )_____ a wrong with his bike.It doesn't work.A.Something B.Anything C.Nothing D.Everything My radio doesn't work.There is ___ wrong with it.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything was后的动词应该用什么时态? 填介词Miss Brown is good ________ children填介词并翻译 was sent 是动词什么时态?谢谢 就这样,司马迁发愤写作 这在课文中起什么作用 一般过去时态中,是不是有了was,后面的动词就可以用原型?测验有一道题目是His grandmother_____(死) two years ago.我是填的died.我订正的答案是was dead.为什么? 月全食是由光的()形成的 光的色散原理是() “咬定青山不放松,任你东西南北风”是赞美什么植物的? but for 在虚拟语气中的用法,主句一定是过去式吗 if not和but for的用法比较.这两个用法是相同还是不同的?在虚拟语气中. 这里是不是有个“But that”的用法-“若非”?Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused.But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian offic 用as if和as though造句,注意虚拟语气