
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 05:22:29
番禺市桥学英语的地方,效果如何,收费怎样? 【英语改错】下列各题中均有一处错误,找出来并订正I'll think about become a flight attendant _____ ______ _____ _________ A B C Dwelcome to our school to give us some advices. 英语翻译U1词组1迫不及待做某事---------2带某人去颐和园---------3与···不同----------4与某人友好-----------5至多------6在市中心------7有某人自己的房间--------句子8美国的公寓和中国的真的不同---- 牛津译林版7B英语中如何将单数变成复数 谁给我译林版7A,7B的所有单元短语啊!急要,有的速度给我 7B牛津译林版英语书U3Task内容就是讲梦想家园的那个内容,老师要默写,我英语书没带回来一点钟之前,只要把英文原文发给我就行,OK的话悬赏再加50 牛津7b Module1 Unit 3 所有的词组啊 超急的 要有汉语!英语的!详 番禺市桥附近有什么学英语的地方比较好`?除了巴特外语`~~我想学雅思,或者是英语考级的.但自己的基础一般~也想巩固下基础`~现在在读大专`~有什么适合我呢`?~ 番禺市桥哪里学英语口语比较好 夜校学英语番禺市桥 我的CF出现这个是怎么回事【%s】can not find or load a file which is required to execute the game 刚果河注入什么海或洋或海湾?密西西比河注入什么海或洋或海湾?伏尔加河注入什么海或洋或海湾? 英语翻译前提是朋友告诉我他得了重感冒 There will be______(rain)tommorw than today.It will be much ______(rain)tommorw. l get a letter from my penfriend 改错I haven't heard a letter from my penfriend for a few months. I like swimming and running.的问句. Be quiet,please!___改为—— 穿越火线进不去出现 n not find or load a file which is required to execute the game 谁知道怎么回事 下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出并订正(4.5)还有一道题,高手速来! 每题有一处错误,找出并在横线上改正1)How long have you bought the car?___________A How long B. have C.bought 2)He doesn't understand what did we say.___________A.doesn't B.what C.did we say 下列句子中均有一处错误,找出并在题后横线上改正.1.where is my brothers?------2.your aunt need an English book .-------3.some blue hat are on the bookcase.-------4.can you take your ruleir here?--------5.they aren,t know this Engli 我上cf出现提示can not find or load a file which is required to executr the game 我该咋办 语文六年级上学期练习册中华少年第六大题关于诗的那道急 It kept raining until this morning 同义句It( )( ) raining until this morning 根据汉语完成句子 他直到今天早晨才听到下雨.He ___ ___ the rain until this morning. The rain _____to last until the end of this FridayA.expect B.expected C.has expected D.is expected为什么选B 编一个有关伯牙绝弦的小故事 谁能按照《伯牙绝弦》写个故事不用太长, 找错了,找下列英语句子的错误,若有错误请订正解释,也许可能是正确的哦1In view of talking about his patients in public ,that psychical doctor has been accused of betraying the professional ethics.2There are some saying hangi 找出句子中的一处错误并订正 英语的it,s going to cold in Lhasa.we,e going to go in ten .where are you going to do? 英语8年级句子找出错误订正The mother laid beside her baby just nowTears flew down his cheeks we discussed about the problem with our teacherFather made me to go there alonewe suiprised to see him at the beachthe scientist tried to change i