
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:49:16
搜索 关于食品的广告词关于食品的广告词 now I also want to go to Beijing.是不是一个病句? we are also going to go to beijing.的同义句 They also want to go there on foot.(改为同义句) what do your parents do after supper?thay take our dog ___a walk 英语题(补全对话) 1 A:What___your parents do _____ Sunday?B:They____ housework.A:____you often he上边的太多看不到,下面再搞一次 英语题(补全对话)1 A:What___your parents do _____ Sunday?B:They____ housework.A:____you oft what does your father often do after supper?在这个句子里为什么前面用does 后面用do Tom wants to go ______ a trip ________ Beijing. What do you often talk _____ to your parents at home?A.with B.to C.on D.about my friend tom( )(not want)to go to a movie Tom and I want to go to the Palace M( ) in Biejing. they often go for a walk the open air .a.in b.at c.on d.to We often go out for a walk .(改为同义句) We often go out __ __ __ __. Do you often go out walk?(walk)对吗? How do you suggest we go toBeiJing for our holiday? How do you ____ we go to shanghai,by plane or by train?suggest/suppose/hope/feel I want to buy a bag.What do you suggest?用英语回答,句型是:Why don't you.ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ suggest,want 和consider后面加什么?下面三题该选什么?为什么?7.They're considering___before the prices go up.A.of buying the houseB.buying the house C.with buying the houseD.to buy the house9.Peter suggested ___ at the next town.A.to st 英语翻译“一个死去的夏天,时间都不倦恋.我用轻柔的文字,轻轻埋葬,一个死去的夏天”翻译的越美越好. 英语翻译曾经,我在感情上,努力过.虽然最后还是失败.曾经,我在事业上,努力过,最后还是一无所有.这6年所发生的一切,都那么清晰.有些人,有些事,还有那些过去或过不去的,都显得的那么无所 英语翻译每天,我会更爱你一点!每天,我会更想你一点!过马路时,我一定会牵着你的手!一辈子,我就牵着你的手!因为一辈子我已经属于你了!而你,也属于我! 一天十二个时辰是如何划分?即几点到几点是什么时辰? 描写人物心情的词语(6个以上)快! 请问古人认为什么时候是一天的开始?是不是辰时? 短歌行全诗四层,每层八句,分别用八字概括每八句的主要内容,用一个字概括每层感情 描写人物复杂心情的词语(6个) 庄子,孔子,孟子的故事 请问孔子.孟子.庄子都写过什么书都是什么学说例如孔子写过论语.道家学说 孔子,孟子,庄子,是那国人? 好的开头是字母x的英文名是要开头是字母x的英文,要好听、好记的! 判断下列单词括号读音是否相同是打s 不同的打d1Ac(o)ffee Bh(o)t2Ach(i)nese Bm(i)nus3Al(o)ve Bcl(o)ck4AFriday Bl(i)ke 判断下列每组单词括号部分的读音是否相同相同的写S不同的D1(th)is wi(th)2(a)nt (a)round3(c)ake pen(c)i4foll(ow ) d(ow)n 5n(ear) h(ear)