
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:55:06
11、已知y-2与x成正比例,当x=3时,y=1,则y与x之间的函数关系式为() 九年纪数学刚学到圆周角定理求解答! 英语翻译a Asked b,"what was your hometown like a few years ago?" 英语翻译He asked me_____________________(我是否能够帮助他)He said_____________________(他去过美国两次)The teacher asks us_____________________(课上尽可能多说英语)_____________________(他没有告诉我在哪 He plays very well in the 九年级数学---------圆心角与圆周角图地址:http://hi.baidu.com/%D7%B7%CB%DD%C3%CE%CF%EB/album/item/6805ad1f65eb93b2ad513351.htmlP为⊙O上动点,AB⊥CD求证(1)当P在弧CAD上时(不与C、D重合)求证∠CPD与∠COB的关 已知△ABC三个顶点都在○O上,AD是△ABC的高,AB=7,AC=6,AD=4.2,求直径长 圆心角与圆周角 第二小题 已知,y+a与x+b(a、b为常数)成正比例,当x=3时,y=5;当x=5时,y=11,求当x=10时y的值 4圆周角(2)作业题第5题一个圆形人工湖如图所示,弦AB是湖上的一座桥.已知桥AB长100米,测得圆周角角C=45°.求这个人工湖的直径. 以知Y+M与X+N(M、N为常数)成正比例,当X=3时,Y=5,当X=5时,Y=11,求当X=10时,Y的值. 已知y+m与x+n(m,n为常数)成正比例,且x=3时,y=5;x=5时,y=11.求y与x之间的函数解析式. 11.已知一次函数y = ax +b(a,b是常数),x与y的部分对应值如下表:x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 y 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 那么方程ax + b = 0的解是___________;不等式ax + b>0的解集是____________. 我的竞争对手 作文 自己是自己的学习竞争对手,这文章怎么写? The house belonged to Mr.Green,____roof destroyed.A which;B of which; C whose; D its.为什么选择D,选择D那么句中不就有两个谓语动词了吗 英语:把下面的直接引语变成间接引语1.“Is your mother going to Beijing today or tomorrow?"he asked.2."Do you remember what your uncle told you yesterday "Wang Li's father asked me.3."How many factories have been built in your hometow 英语中“直接引语”怎么变成“间接引语”如:" I'm doing my homewok now." my sister said to me . looks____ (love),doesn't it?那横线上填什么? I think Donald Duck looks very ___.A.lovely B.nicely C.cheap D.easy 4圆周角(1) the shoes (behind the door )are millie's (对括号部分提问) ____ ____are millie's. 《对手》作文450字左右 请大家帮忙改几个英语间接引语的句子吧!1 He said,“I know who did it."2 He said,"Before she came back I had fallen asleep."3 He told me,'I knew she had been wrong.'4 He said,'I did not know she would come.'5 He said,'If it should not 六年级作文以对手为题450字急急急!马上! 英语翻译Where is the father?Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings."Look," said the elder brother."How nice these paintings are!" "Yes," said the younger,"but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children.Where i 英语翻译她告诉我她不懂英语.他们告诉我他们支付不起.她们告诉我她们付得起.他说他可能去电影院.她说她可能会打电话给他. 已知C1:y=2x-5,C2:x2+y2=k(k>0).当时,两曲线有两个交点;当时,两曲线有一个交点;当 时,两曲线没有交点填k的取值范围 英语翻译题目(间接引语的使用)He said________________他还没有收到他女朋友的来信 The teacher told us that______________地球围着太阳转 She want to konw______________为什么他上学又迟到了The teacher told me __ 设y+z分之x=x+z分之y=x+y分之z=k,求k的的值 已知命题“a>c,b>c,则a+b>2c”,试写出该命题的逆命题,否命题与逆否命题,并判断它们的真假. 已知命题若a>c,b>c,着a+b>2c,写出命题的逆命题,否命题,逆否命题,判断它们真假