
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:31:04
英语翻译Medical research are painfully aware that there are many problems (to which they have no answers yet till now)他们至今还没有答案 这里的to为什么要至前啊?还有那个till换成untill可以吗?answer一般都要加s吗 声母上面可以标声调吗?我在新华字典上看到一个字“嗯”ń是这样标的 声母两个字的拼音和声调? 英语翻译(2010年湖南长郡中学月考)Alcohol is classified as a downer,and although it is legal,it can damage the liver and do great harm if________in large quantities.\x05A.consume B.to consume\x05C.consuming D.consumed 请问一道英语选择题,有点难度请选择后给出分析,因为我不是很清楚20.Psychoanalysis can help a patient recall long-forgotten experience lost in the ______ recess of his mind.A) labyrinthine B)chimerical C)iridescent D)mercurial 一道英语选择题,有点难度,We went so unwillingly to school.We were______unwilling pupils.A.such B.so C.so much D.such an 我想选B,so修饰unwilling为什么不行呢He is a such handsome boy.He is such a handsome boy.这两个哪个才正 谁能帮我编一题英语选择题?要稍微有点难度的答案是在guess; conjecture; surmise; reckon 四个中选的,并且最终选CONJECTURE的,并希望把不选其他三个答案的理由阐释清楚, 有点难度的英语选择题,主要是来说下原因.1.It was good of you __ such kind of Joint Operation and I deeply appreciate it.a.offering b.offered c.offers d.to offer2.Please let me know __ the primary technical contact will be in your side题求阴影部分的面积(要过程) 求阴影部分的面积 8分米 10分米 翻译“蜀人鄙…之僧哉” 你说 人体里的鼻涕和痰是怎么样形成的呢? 痰真的没有用吗?为什么要把痰吐出来?身体里的痰能全部吐出来吗?痰是怎么产生的?既然痰咽下去会得病,那痰怎么会在肚子里? 短文填空【something,one,bottle,all,have,ready,on,see,be,table,size,cheap】It‘s half past five in the afternoon.Dinner is ________.There are many things______the table——plates,bowls and glasses.We can _____some meat,eggs and fish on the pl 急谁自愿打扫房间?Who ___ ___ ___ ___the room?用voluntary 三角函数关系在RT△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=m,∠BAC=a,求S△ABC.(用a的三角函数及m表示) 简单数学,三角函数第一题 如何取表字姓“林”名“财兴”另一个姓“林”名“家辉”这两个表字怎么取了请说明意思呀,取的表字和名字的关联呀 表字怎样取?我是业余作家,想给自己取个表字.我姓“聂”,名“志平”. 女孩取表字是一对姐妹,要取两个好听的、有寓意的、吉利的表字姐姐姓名:黄子真妹妹姓名:黄子珊要说明含义, 我叫陈桂红 男 1987五月初五 申时 最好给出理由最好不要女性化的 这个名字如何取表字?姓“梁”名“钧量”,怎么取表名? A-1除以A+1是不是分式 “一条路已经修了全长的五分之二”如果全长是1200米,求已经修的米数,就是求()的()是多少,列式为 三角函数的关系 三个仓库内共有粮食1400万千克,甲库与乙库粮食质量的比是3;4乙库与丙库粮食质量的比是6;7,三个仓库各有粮食多少万千克? 初中英语(明天要交,请尽快.)afternoon tea was introduced in britain by anna,the seventh duchess of bedford,i_______ the year 1840.the dunchess would become h_______ around four o'clock in the afternoon.the evening m______in her household w 初中英语(请尽快明天交作业)English people don't usually talk.When you go on a bus,or a train,everyone s________ looking out of the window.Often they read books and papers,but they don't talk m______.When you meet English people,they of 在1,2,3,...,1200中任意取一个数x,则x既为2的倍数,又为5的倍数的机会是多少?请具体写过程 明天要交,请尽快!Maybe you have a dream of going to space.Some day you __1__ get onto the moon and be very excited about__2__ there.The sky __3__ black from the moon,and you will see the earth up im te sky.You will also see many,many shining__4 初中英语一般将来时求一篇100字左右的日记.是暑假作业...、 大家帮个忙吧 三点水旁边一个需是什么字