
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:53:15
You can write to me or you can also call me.(同意句转换) 一个槐树可以活多少年? 槐树能活多少年 国槐苗长成扁片的,像鸡冠花一样,该怎么处理 运营,什么意思 Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.什么意思 这句话有无语法错误friends like sun in winterfriends like wind in summer呢 meet requirement是什么意思 这个句子有语法错误么..你和我一起回家么?英语怎么说哦?这样可以么:Do you go home with me?还是这样好些 Would you like to go home with me? if you don't meet the requirement ,it can tip the scales in your favor . 物华天宝 槐树最长能活多少年? 100CM的国槐得多少年生?是直径1米 把这句话改成被动语态All living things need air to stay alive.不能把to stay alive放在最后吗?再问一句I'm sure future cars will cause less pollution. i Just depend on you ,My dear . in-stream use of Dear、 You will be my all是什么意思?大神们帮帮忙Dear、 You will be my all 请把“北京欢迎你”这五个字按音序重新排列.___________(2分)是北京欢迎你不是贝贝 Dear,you aye my final depend 请把下列几句改为被动语态I saw the boy run yesterday.I think that he is right.He had not thrown the bad food.They would not take him to Beijing.Nobody knew me in this town at that time. it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.谁能解释一下这句话的语法结构?该怎么翻译?为何这么翻译? Do you love me,do not leave ANSYS 前处理中的定义荷载 与求解器中的有什么不同? 学校原有一个长方形的操场长80米,宽75米,新建校舍后,长减少20米 要使操场的面积和原来一样大,宽应增加多少米? 学校的操场长220米,宽80米,修整后长减少了10米,宽减少了10米,算一下修整后操场的面积?修整后的面积比原来大还是小,还是不变 祖国是什么颜色的 祖国是什么色的 计算 help(1)(-1/2a^2b)(2/3b^2-1/3a+1/4)(2)(3x-1)(x+3)(3)(4x^2-2xy+y^2)(2x+y) 分子数怎么算?help例如:等质量的C02,02,H2,SO2,N2几种气体,所含分子数由多到少的顺序,我知道是H2>N2>O2>CO2>SO2,但为什么呢,怎么算的哈?帮个忙,thanks 英语翻译 help!初3动能计算“飞流直下3千尺,疑是银河落9天”试想,若有5kg的水从3千尺的地方落下来,到达地面时的动能是多少?(1m=3尺) 电子琴用英语怎么说