
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:26:49
english writting skill?Can anyboby design some tasks for english major students who are learning to write essays on similarities and differences:Comparison & Contrast 谁能设计几个task? We can't decide()()()for vacation(去哪里)速速回答 The old man has few relatives.反义疑问句 The old woman has few friends.(改为反义疑问句) If we had booked a table earlier,we wouldn't be standing here in a queue.是不是错综虚拟语气? as-built drawing是什么意思 AS+BUILT+DOCUMENT是什么意思 请问 as built plan 中文怎麼说? Reverse As-built Transforme Reverse As-built Transformer Design Method我想要这个题目的准确翻译 talk is We can't go on like this We don't know_________(他叫什吗) We Don T Know 歌词 We don't know ________names.A.each otherB.each others'C.each other's D.each'Why? We really don't know_______.()A.which one to choose B.which one chooseC.to choose what D.to choose which one We don't know ________(下一步怎么做)怎么填? sorry ,he is _(not in)只能填一个单词 翻译home-built industry 英语翻译因为要搬家,这是公司让我填写的一份Travel Form中的内容,表格中已经有Pick-up address项目了,那么这个该如何填? 1.He may know the result(改同义句) ___he___the result.2.他有点不健康(翻译)He is___ ____ ___ ___unhealthy。这有四个空, 那个"text editor"功能最强大1) 不要提这两个 notepad++,textpadSb东西2) 我需要计页数,计字数,拼写校错/speeling checking our trouble is because we can not live alone.怎么翻译? 英语短文改错格式 高考英语短文改错常见添词位置还有主要添些什么词呢? the sweater is of good quliaty.介词of在句中的关系是什么,能举几个相同的例子 open in text editor是什么意思 open as 求 Yanni的never too late editor_win.document.open('text/html','replace');这句话作用 Never Too Late 雅尼 后面的哼唱.后面的哼唱 太爽了 唱到骨子里去了.谁知道女声是谁唱的吗?没多少分了.知道的说说.那绝对不是合成的.那嗓音确实是真人啊~甩葱歌才是合成- - 感觉完全不一样. 雅尼的never to late有视频么 英语短文改错和词汇