
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:19:37
He left without____(say)goodbay 36分之1+45分之1+60分之1=多少啊 独立主格什么时候用现在分词什么时候用过去分词? 独立主格结构名词后什么时候用现在分词,什么时候用过去分词 China is a development country and it _the Third World.A.belongs B.belong to C.belongs to D.must belong 独立主格结构什么时候用现在分词,什么时候用过去分词? Would you mind if I open the door?It's really hot inside.A You are welcome B With pleasureC Of course not D I agree 为什么? do you mind the electric fan?it's bit hot inside处是什么?to turn on 还是turning on还是turn on 还是turned onhow much does the ticket from shanghai to beijing?是took还是spend还是pay还是cost 1.it's too hot,do you mind (open) the windows?2.it;s five (minute) walk to the supermarket . 60%x=三分之一 60%x=三分之一(怎么解) 60%X+28=136 Today she comes into the classroom. 200%算整数吗把下列各数填在相应额大括号内:1,-0.1,-789,25,2∏,0,-20,-3.14,200%,6/7正整数集{ …}负整数集{ …}正分数集{ …}负分数集{ …}正有理数集{ …}负有理数集{ …}自然数 With many tings ( ),he went to the nearest shop.buy,而不是我认为的to be bought.可是在这个独立主格结构中,things是宾语,填的是宾语补足语,buy和things又是动宾关系,那为什么to be bought不对呢? 什么了一次,填动词 巧填动词:()一次,()两回,()一顿()一遍,()一眼,()一番,()一遭,()一趟,()一句,()一刀,()一枪,()一把 do you mind my opening the window it is a bit hot in here ____as a matter of factA go ahead B yes my pleasure C yes i do D come on答案是选的c 还有“as a matter of —Do you mind my opening the window?It’s a bit hot in here.— ,as a matter of fact A.—Ken,________,but your TV is going too loud.—Oh,I’m sorry.I’ll turn it down right now.A.I’d like to talk with you B.I’m really tired of thisC.I hate 78厘米绳子围成一个等腰三角形一条腰比底边长6厘米求底边多少 2:(x+2)=40%解方程 We went to see our teacher whose husband lost his life in the earthquake 如题 输出一个5×5的矩阵,其中元素是随机生成的1-100的整数.输出一个5×5的矩阵,其中元素是随机生成的1-100的整数.求出(1) 对角线上元素的和(2) 对角线上元素的积(3) 矩阵中最大的元素 thousand of pelple___(lose)their live in earthquake in japan in march,2011横线上填什么啊? 生成一个与 A 同阶的正态分布的随机矩阵 B,要求B矩阵元素为介于0~99之间整数 谁能帮我用c++生成一个随机矩阵,这个程序产生的矩阵的数都是整数[0,100].而且要大约70-80%为0 请问英语中Audio和Images是什么意思啊? 随机产生50~100间的整数组成一个4行4列的矩阵,并求矩阵对角线元素的和.Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim a() As Integer, i, j, sum As Integer R 如果﹤a﹥=|a-﹙﹣a﹚|+1对于所有的整数都成立,b=﹤5﹥,则﹤b﹥的值是多少? 在英文站注册帐号 输入完密码提示我You must type the 2 words 两个字母 还是两个单词?其实我字母单词都试过q273453catdog273cat273453dog单词长了是肯定不行的=.= He ___ to lose some weight.A.wants B.thinks C.asks D.likes Endeavourers to lose weight