
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:57:53
I want a piece of steak for meal 有没有错? 谁知道"debt"单词的音标是什么 Compromise Debt revolving debt是?何为循环债务 debt collection是什么意思 如何提问The blue pen is my favourite one our paths would cross agian in the future什么意思啊 Before you can use this software,you have to activate it. ahead of the pack有什么特殊意思吗?ahead of the pack除了有“在前面的包 ”的意思以外,还有什么特殊意思吗? I can't get over . 谁知道CNN以下节目的中文译名?Ahead of the Curve 、In the Money、Bussiness Unusual请问Yangtao这是业界准确的说法吗?还是您直译的? I can't get over how different the weather is here是不能适应这里的天气吗? ahead of the curve什么意思 请问empower you to enjoy a competitive 其中enjoy a competitive edge是固定组合吗? 近义词:温暖( )壮观( ),五彩缤纷( ).反义词:喜欢( ),严寒( ),热情( ). People are the key to finding a competitive edge in industry.的意思? 请问在墨西哥蒙特雷用家里的座机电话打手机要怎么打 墨联秋附半决赛(0)蒙特雷墨西哥美洲(3)首发名单是哪两队?友迟符轻咱勇嘱播厕悄帐顷W E N W E N 1 2 3 ● o r g荐雄眉坊 She collected wine bottles since two years ago.(变为现在完成进行时) be kind of为什么跟形容词,of不是介词么? Carl doesn't know how to use the MP5.(改为同义句) Carl doesn't know how ___ ___ ___the MP5. My sister bought me a new MP5 player ,but I don't know_______. Let's me show you.A.what to useB.which one to useC.how to use itD.where to use it help!向量题向量的有关概念易出现如下错例:→ →AB//CD=>AB//CD请问错在哪里?请详细说明该知识点. 已知向量a=(cosα,sinα),b=(cosβ,sinβ)且∣a - b∣=255 (Ⅰ)求cos(α-β)的值;(Ⅱ)若0已知向量a=(cosα,sinα),b=(cosβ,sinβ)且∣a - b∣=5分之 2根号5(Ⅰ)求cos(α-β) HELP!已知向量OA=(3,-4),OB=(6,-3),OC=(5-m,-3-m).(1)若A,B,C能构成三角形,求实数m范围 (2)若ABC构成直角三角形,且A为直角,求m的值. HELP!已知A(-1,0),B(1,0)两点,C在直线x=1.5上,且AC·AB,CA·CB,BA·BC成等差数列,求向量CA与CB的夹角的正切.(以上AC·AB等均为向量相乘) 严肃的反义词是? 清楚\严肃的反义词 同义句I don't know when I can start the new lesson The workers planted tress last month.改为现在完成进行时 We had a math e_____________ last week. 英语 英语CET4 大学英语 第61个的C选项如何理解?句子的in英语 英语CET4 大学英语 第61个的C选项如何理解?句子的in one如何理解? 我在线等高手,我在自习,