
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:14:36
使三只鬣狗 阜宁 大型哺乳动物是怎样交配的 ( )the violinist is going to tour the US when he———— enough moneyA is going to saveB savesC saveD will save My grandparents told me they were____A.keep healthy B.in good health C.in good healthy D.keep health 秋天来了大雁南飞树叶变黄……还有哪些景色 可爱的秋天来了我的房间是什么情景 地球上的人怎么控制旅行者1.2号探测器? 旅行家或熟悉那个地方的朋友回答下.最近突然有了去日本旅行的计划.有没有旅行家或去过那的朋友回答下日本当地的人文风情.还有没什么风景比较好的地方? 直流电动机改变转动速度所发出的电有何变化?在线等~~ 怎么做英语连选择题快 这到题我不会要给我过程 水管漏水水管漏热水器里的热水,打开洗脸池水龙头后就不流了. 我家 装修时 把 水池的 主水管 打了个洞,引了一个分管,现在接口处 漏水,用“强力堵” 还是渗水.现在 只求 把洞堵住 能用什么办法呢.是塑料管道 一道很容易的题目.a属于集合A 集合A={X|X=2K.K属于Z}a与A的关系是什么?b属于B 集合B={X|X=2K+1.K属于Z}b与B的关系a+b 与C 的关系 集合C={X|X=4K+1.K属于Z} 我不知道怎么下笔.希望有人帮忙解决下 直流电动机的原理 Her birthday is June 9th?改为同义句 改成The____ ____ ____birth is on June 9th. By the end of the day,I could rembeir orders,___the bill,and make change quickly with smile.A.turn inB.count outC.take overD.add up每一个选项都讲一下谢谢,顺便翻译一下. I like red but my brother ___.A.likes red,too B.doesn't C.does D.doesn't like was she excited when she heard the news of course she looked _______at me when i told her about itA excited B excitedly C exciting Dexcite为什么呢?look不是连系动词.应该加形容词作表语吗? 我给80分,请把过程写出来1.3000*2999分之29982.169分之111*1703.(7分之四*一又九分之1*十一分之四)除(十一分之2*七分之2*九分之5)4.1994*19951995-1995*199419945.30分之1+42之1+56之1+72之1+90之16.a=0.00...0010 秋天的一处景色普通的,急一篇普普通通的,只要一处景色,急! Have a glass of water可以这样改吗?of 前面的词【从属于】后面那这样改可以吗?Have water of a glass. I want to go to the People’s Hospital to see my friend Kate,But I don’t know the way.I need some help.Just then an old man walks past.I ask him,“Excuse me,_____ is the way to the People’s Hospital?” “Sorry,I don’t know.You can ask that 为什么有的小动物很通人性?jmjhtrhgergheugyhery各行业人荣誉化各异 二次函数平行四边形问题如图在平行四边形ABCD中,AB=4,点D的坐标是(0,8),以C为顶点的抛物线y=ax²+bx+c经过x轴上的A,B两点.若抛物线向上平移后恰好过点D,求平移后抛物线的解析式. 二次函数大题,关于平行四边形对角线有一个公式来着,我给忘了,就是知道几点问能不能构成一个平行四边形,我以前做过一道探究题,上面就说了这样可以有一个公式比证全等简单,但是那张卷 生物用英语怎么写 because we could play many games in this 宝贝计划 的英语介绍,简单的写. 动名词短语的用法the daughter of a nervous wreck worrying about getting into the best tennis school哪位大神能帮我分析下这个句子?worrying about getting into the best tennis school在句中做什么成分?the daughter of is a nervo 分词短语的应用把下列句子变为分词短语的形式1.The funds which have been raised are mainly used for helping the homeless2.The film decribes the story about the police is well worth seeing3.Though he was defeated,he remainde a popula 也就是说动名词短语完全可以作名词?能再给我多说一点动名词的这种用法么