
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:11:58
自卸车6*2和6*4的载重量都一样 有什么不同吗 请问懂车的大哥们.自卸车都分哪些型号.比如4*2和6*4有什么区别. Do you like literature?Why or why not? do you like English? why or why not?我是大一新生 我们大学英语要口试 要求每个问题 说5分钟的答案用英语 怎么办啊 我英语不好 The building behind the office building is ________ science A.to B.for C.at D.on The science building is (behind the sports hall).就括号部分提问 定金与订金有什么区别?谢 “定金“和“订金“有什么区别?在购买比较大的商品或者买房是,有时要先交一笔钱,有的写“定金“,有的写“订金“,两者有什么不同啊?法律效力一样吗?哪个受法律保护呢? 提供下古诗文中表达相思的意项不管爱情友情的都行.最好是友情的.BY THE WAY红豆是表示爱情还是友情?友情的多来点啊。我不要诗句,要意项。 写情书该怎样用词 We often _______ ________ and help ______ ________ .我们经常相互交谈,相互帮助的英文翻译 It ____(似乎) very large and beautiful. 鸡蛋里面挑骨头用什么成语来形容 Do you like chat room online?Why or why not?用英语作答 请问“鸡蛋里挑骨头”英语如何表达? 这么which is 可以省略吗?The tower which is on the corner of the street is large.标题是“这边” 单句改错 The large building which is now built will be a well- equipped hospital. 复句 A,in which B,at which C,by which D,from which1,Last October China launched its second manned spaceship ShenzhouVI,___two Chinese astronauts traveled in space for five days.A,in which B,at which C,by which D,from which 怎样利用美剧学英语 茶花女由谁在19世纪末翻译、介绍到中国 the____(房子)near the park ave very beautifulJenny is good at ______(弹)the piano 沪江听力酷怎么样 收钱吗 沪江听力酷是什么 沪江听力酷怎么样 There are do seem to be more than normal.求翻译! 翻译 A German man annoyed fellow train passengers even more than normal receHitler Ringtone Lands German Man In JailA German man annoyed fellow train passengers even more than normal recently by receiving incoming calls on his cell phone, which had 我很喜欢老友记,不知谁有老友记的音频mp3,能不能给我!我想放在mp3里听的!不是什么主题曲之类的,我要的是他们之间的对白之类的!thanks! 诗歌常用词语总结有哪些?拜托大家了 There are on flies that large 首字母填空: Today is S( ) .On Sundays, I usually play the flute . My father usuallyr( ) the newspaper. My mother usually c( ) the house, But today my mother is ill in bed. My father has to d( ) the housew There was a big fire at that building, but __(luck) nobady was hurt. 我是射手座的性格内向叫郑俊杰,想取个英文名,但不知道怎么取,最好名字里有自由的意思