
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:29:51
运道未曾享,苦是蹉跎再不兴,兄弟六亲皆无靠,一身事业晚年 幼年运道来曾行 若是蹉跎再不亨 兄弟六亲皆无靠 一生事业晚宽怀是什么意思 苏秦,张仪,孙膑,庞涓都是鬼谷子的徒弟? 求鬼谷子门下三弟子苏秦和毛遂游说众国以及张仪使六国瓦解的分别时间.以及秦灭六国的最后时间.求. 苏秦、张仪和庞涓、孙膑谁在前?他们都是鬼谷子的弟子,我想知道他们谁的时间更早一点是苏张在前还是庞孙在前? 有谁知道有首歌.里面是baby tell me why why why why why有人知道的么、、、、、、、一下想不起来名字了.是首英文歌.- - 好像后面还有try try try try try 然后什么什么什么you lover· 夜店经常放的._______ she makes a phone call with () A.other B.another C.the other D.others 扇形的角度怎么算 选出句中错误并改正:1.She can't makes model ships.2.Would you like going with me?3.What does1.She can't makes model ships.2.Would you like going with me?3.What does you do after class?4.Must I go there?No,you mustn't. 岁月流逝青春的英文翻译是? Cups are dishes.还有Glasses are dishes.Bowls are dishes.Plates are dishes.Cups are dishes.Glasses are dishes.Bowls are dishes.Plates are dishes. rice(米饭)可数吗? try do 中秋节 英文 It is a Chinese traditional custorm`````` 求布贴画(Traditional Chinese Cloth Stickers)的英文介绍,阳新布贴画的中英文介绍.谢谢. 英语状语标语宾语谓语怎么区分 有人会做数学么,教教我, Avoid splashing liquid on hot lens ,the tempered glass may crack,allowing unfiltered UV light to e翻译 ji jiAvoid splashing liquid on hot lens ,the tempered glass may crack,allowing unfiltered UV light to escape 六亲无力兄弟休什么意思 MOVE BOXES WITH MIRRORS TO DIRECT THE 七年级上册数学76页答案告诉我好吗 谁又快又准确, 刚刚考的试,一道几何题.会的请进来下我不确认答案,所以请大家帮我参考下已知M,N是不同的直线,a,b是不重合的平面,给出下列命题:(1)若M//a,则M平行与平面a内的任一条直线;(2)若a//b,M Tom and Bill( ) (read)Chinese every morning帮帮,括号里该填什么? 如图,三角形ABC,AB的中点F交BC的延长线BD于点E,且BC=CD,求证:(1)AE/AC的值 (2)若AB为a,BF=CE,那么AC是多少? 八下数学几何题 城南旧事好词 there is a beauty like across time and space 这句英文有语法错误吗 I wish I'd known about that rule earlier 其中'd是哪个单词?如题,would?had? 成绩差呀, 在英语中为什么有的动词后面有宾语,有的没有?Can the mechanics repair it?还有这一句Has the boss left?为什么前面一个有it,后面没有? 数学几何