
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:55:37
狂背单词.然后多看英文报纸和文章.应该在书写和阅读方面有很大帮助吧. three years after 和after three years 区别? in和after都表示时间时有什么不同ex:In the three years After three 1what do you mean by saying that 中的BY可用with 或者for代替吗,2i went to beijing by plane for the first time when i was 20,这里为什么不可以用with ,我感觉用witn的意思要比for更好啊,3she can get so much fun with reading这 mango的复数 描写人物品德的一段话 现在会不会英语是不是很重要? 我可迷茫,想学吧没时间,也没耐心~~~~ 晕撒. 论语十则解释子曰,吾十有五而志于学.七十而从心所欲,不逾矩.子曰,衣敝蕴袍与衣狐貉者立,而不耻者,其由也与?工欲善其事,必先利其器。子贡问曰,乡人皆好之,何如?子曰,未可也 Hardly ___________ the papers on his desk when the door burst open.A.he collected B.he had collected C.did he collect D.had he collected选出答案并请说明原因,那为什么要用过去完成时呢? 描写景物的一段话 200字! 描写景物的一段话xxXZXXZXZaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadsdwerr 如何查07公共英语3级的成绩 请仔细看图上的景物根据画面写出四个写景的词语并写一段话(50字以内)概括图上的内容 仿照一段文字的句式特点写一段话蜜蜂和蝴蝶虽然都在花间飞舞,但一个在创造,一个却在虚度.创造者奉献的是甜美的生活,虚度者留下的却是生活的垃圾. 公共英语三级(95下半年)成绩怎么查?错过查询时间了,青岛市 英语现在真的很很重要吗? 英语翻译if you think you can give her happiness you can tryOrPlease give upDont let her be hurted 呵呵 复制少了两句 我现在读初一下册,从初一开始不听课英语就很差很差,到现在顶多四五十分,有时二三十分.他们都说英语重要的很,什么考大学英语差了就不行,但我其他科还是蛮好的啊,我不信这一科能够拖我 谁能帮我翻译下If you think you can , you can ; Nothing is impossible的中文意思,谢了! Can you think of . I forget to bring the key with me, so I can not open the door.请问这里为什么用 to bring ,不用to take 呢?它们有什么区别么? I only need your love.I only need your lips.I only need you to my sincerity. 英语很重要吗? If you think you can,you can.If you think you can't,you are right!If you think you can,you can.If you think you can't,you are right!前面一句好像是“如果你觉得你能,你就能”,后面一句到底是“如果你觉得不能,你也是 if you think you kan,you Japanese is not as useful as English同义句Japanese is __ __ __ English 【英语】as for Japanese 如题. japan mode Making the one you love happy is the most happiest thing in the The most happy thing,that you love me I love you. I like swimming very much,but now l______swim as______as l used toA:not..oftenerB:don't..oftenerC:not..oftenD:don't..often选哪一个? I like___,but I don't like___now.A swimming B to swim 选一个告诉我为什么