
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:03:55
谁懂facebook的或懂英文的,帮我翻译一下这段文字"Facebook Mobile confirmation code *Or v 【vb.net】有没有可以查的工具书? 请问怎么样把下载的有道六级单词本导入到有道词典里呢? 填个介词5:30 in the morning ,he comes home,希望解析能详细点 现在改行做销售了,会遇到一些外国人,所以现在想学英语,自学,哪位高手有学英语的方法或书籍推荐吗?谢我专科,今年24了工作快二年了,以前做印刷操作,天天呆在车间,没怎么见人,现在和很多 求牛人团分析这个句子的成份 That finding was premature attribution of substantive significanceThat finding was premature attribution of substantive significance to statistical significance,or of causation to corre lation,and was also high of no significance是什么意思?such objects as chairs,tables,vases bottles,or wires are of no significance in chemistry. 关于一句英语句子There is no doubt that moral education is of great significance to human beings.There is no doubt that moral education is of great significance to human beings and the develpment of the society.1、这句话省略了什么? reflections on the significance of that historic day the meeting finished last saturday 转化为the meeting____ ____ _____ ______last saturday 从英语教师转行做外贸,没外贸经验,怎样找工作?`` They ___(have) a meeting at nine o'clock last nighthad 还是 were having?过去时和过去进行时到底有什么区别…… 我想转行做外贸 英文 Last night's meeting was very successful(改为同义句) Last night's meeting was _____ ____ ______.注意:没空一词... the nosie ended at last 改为同义句 ___,the noise ___ ___ 英语翻译Danny is learning the present perfect tense at school.The teacher has taught them for two weeks,but still,Danny makes mistakes.For example,he often writes like this "have wrote,have went..."One day,when the teacher sees Danny using "have 帮忙完成填空:1.there are t_____ of books in our library.2.Doing more s_____ willmake us healthier.3.He doesn't feel better ,instead,he feels even w______.4.English ,maths,science,and Chinese are all very important s_______we learn at school.5 be brought into focus of One of the things to be learnt in a foreign language is s all the timnguacestooOne of the things to be learnt in a foreign language is guessing all the time what kind of thing to come when listening to someone talking.People do this all the time in t focus与centerHer research ___ the social effects of unemployment.centered on 为什么不能选is focused on? They are running 这里只有主语和谓语,如果加个在什么地方,那么加的这个是什么成分? Rather,the discipline evolved as a result of the experiences associated with the problems of an immigrant society caught in the turmoil of rapid industrialization and urban growth.Indeed,it must be emphasized that from its beginning,sociology has had They are tired ofter running.改为感叹句 how fast they are running 转成 what引导的感叹句 They running after the dog修改病句 英文翻译器哪有下载? 急!要可以用的 They after running yesterday afternoon,didn't they?They 什么什么 after running yesterday afternoon,didn't they? 书上说:不可数名词只能使用动词的单数形式.如题,书上这样说,为什么例句却是这样:The new furniture looks good in the lobby. 这一句 The new furniture 是不可数名词 为什么 look 要加 s. The new pieces of 请问 不可数名词后接动词单数吗 举个例子 in charge of being left in charge of the shopping center has upset him quite some time. in charge of的中文意思求解 求Dont push me的中文歌词