
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:46:07
什么P图软件好?下面两张照片分别是哪个软件?这两个分别是什么软件? 中起承上启下作用的句子?/表达浓浓情谊,并带有地方特色的句子是? 《白雪歌送武判官归京》中承上启下的句子是?请问 《白雪歌送武判官归京中》送别时依依不舍的诗句是?运用反衬手法的句子是? ‘白雪歌送武判官归京’中起承上启下作用的句子 一个人,一只手拿着喇叭吹,另一只手在打鼓,是什么成语. 青 山 绿 水 春 光 好组成八个句子 薄壳结构的读音薄壳结构中"薄"的读音 P站上同人图经常出现的表情图上边的字都是什么意思?(如图)请翻译下图上各个表情的意思 英语翻译有两个选项.一个【设定】点出来之后 还有一个条框让你填东西 说“イメージレスポンスする作品のURLを入力してください.(イラスト、漫画、小说) [ ].※イメージレスポンス先の for example you can't get to sleep or you still f__tired when you get up .if you are u__too muchfor example you can't get to sleep or you still f__tired when you get up .if you are u__too much pressure,maybe it's time to chang your life a bit by doin I am waiting for you其中for you是状语吗? I will be right here waiting for you中waiting for you是做状语呢,是什么状语?还是定语呢? wait a minute后面是宾语还是状语新概念沪江上写作状语 带有敲的四字成语敲骨吸髓 桨手,带头的,鼓手,锣手……用一成语形容 P图指什么意思啊? 翻译: 教外国人,求用英语解释主语,谓语,宾语,定语,状语,补语知道中文怎样解释 如果用英语怎么解释?我以前用中文写好了看下哪位高手帮忙翻译下!(如果有更好的见解可不按我下面的翻译 请用几个复杂点的长句子分析一下其中哪些是定语.补语.表语.状语.主语.谓语.宾语?. 关于承上启下的经典作文有那些 如图,这是什么科学仪器? “撰写”的“撰”,去掉提手旁,那个字念什么?也就是“撰”的右半部分,我见过那个字,它当:“八卦中的一种成分”讲. If I bcome a lawyer,I can help people(改为同义句) live a good life为什么是同源宾语 首尾呼应在作文中是什么意思 Welcome to the car showroom of the future.Step right up and take a look at some of our new mo英语是Welcome to the car showroom of the future.Step right up and take a look at some of our new models是乃意思 句型转换 1 John would like some books for his birthday.(画线提问)(some books画线) 回答:_ _ John _ for his birthday?2 She will be thirteen years old this year.(用last year改写句子) 回答:She _ twelveyears old last year. it is said in china there are more lands than the government knows__(what to do with it)为什么不填what to do it with? Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words的中文意思 1.We can get some news from the n___. 猜一猜.It is a kind of paper .Some news on it.Read it.You can get some information and knowledge. my that girl not sister is 连词成句.