
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:29:20
涉及到主谓一致的定语从句~All that can be eaten _____ eaten up.A.has been B.had been选B为什么不可以 10.杨氏之子预习 100%payment after acceptance and receiving 30% VAT revoice是什么意思,求最合适的翻译! nostro account,vostro account and loro account解释三者的区别,借百度的地方做个笔记,非提问.资料来自wisegeek.A vostro bank account is an account that one party is holding for another party.In a vostro account,the administrators a 初三数学题,第14小题.求解! Payment by 100% TT against faxed B/L. 怎么翻译这是在与新的客户洽谈中,客户提出的要求!特别是TT该怎么翻译 英语翻译求翻译高手,外贸报盘中的payment Payment:By confirmed ,irrevocable L/C payable by draft at 60 d/s to reach us 30 days before the time of shipment.还有一个表述差不多:payment Payment:By confirmed ,irrevocable L/C payable 数学我不会解 1:甲乙两地相距150千米,两车从两地同时出发,相向而行,2小时后相遇.相遇后两车按原方向原速度继续行驶30分,这时两车相距多少千米?2:甲拖拉机耕地5小时,乙拖拉机耕地3小时,共耕地1.68公顷.已 一个英语主谓一致+定语从句问题Every student as well as some teachers who is to visit the museum are asked to be at the school gate before 7.30 in the morning为什么第一处要用is第二处要用are?我知道第一处的主语是every 求高一英语定语从句和主谓一致知识导图! 九年级下册数学书第60页第5题怎么写? 第121 页 第 5 .6 两题的答案还有 123页的第14题 英语翻译要求非常精准,正确!修改下,这个才是完整的句子。An Educational Exercise Examining the Role of Model Attributes on the Creation and Alteration of CAD Models 英语翻译the apparatus 100 is arranged to execute a source codeeditor application program 190 for enabling the creation of computer programsource code. 英语主谓一致问题It is estimated that the number of foreigners coming to China to learn to learn the language over the last few years ____ maintained an average annual growth of 35 percent.A.is B.are C.has D.have为什么选C呢 1.某公司销售A.B.C三种商品,在去年的销售中,高新产品C的销售金额占总 销售金额的40%.由于受国际金融危机的影响,今年A.B两种产品的销售金额都将比去年减少20%,因而高新产品C是今年销售的重 加法结合律三道六年级应用题 六年级加法结合律应用题 local media of Kunming如何译 世界上最大湖在哪国?世界上最大的岛屿在哪 英语.第(11)和第(12)为什么两空不能互换?financial 和economic有什么英语. 第(11)和第(12)为什么两空不能互换? financial 和economic有什么区别? 谢谢 真诚相待! 在一个圆上画五条直径,将1~10添在直径与圆的交点处,使任意相临的两个数之和=直径另一端的两个相临数之和.在一个圆上画五条直径,将1~10添在直径与圆的交点处,使任意相临的两个数之和=直 已知实数a,b满足a>b,求证:-a^2-a<-b^3-b 在三角形abc中,已知a=1,b=√3,A=30度,求∠B∠C和c 请问 分析 financial problem 的标准有哪些啊? 一个由9个圆圈组装的三角形,分别在每个圈内填上1到9的数字,数字不能重复,三角形的每条边上的四个圈里的数字相加都等于15. 小学三年级数学!何解? 已知a b为正实数,求证(a+1/b)(b+1/b)≥4 乙肝病毒HBV-DNA(荧光定量PCR) 3.80E+04 copy/ml 需要治疗吗?患者信息:男 24岁 Water was flowing out of the river. ______ plenty of water in this river.A.There used to being B.there used to beC.There is used to beingD.There was used to be