
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:03:53
给你的朋友写一封信,就学习英语的最佳方法给她提些建议 连词成句you as as does he well English speak 远远的街灯明了,好象是闪着无数的明星.天上的明星现了,好象是点着无数的街灯.快!快!快!小弟,有急事 以【I want to speak to …………】或【I am the unique one】为题目,写一篇英语作文.加上翻译,不要错误.我过几天要去参加演讲,希望大家可以快些,我要有时间背。 I want to speak to......I am the unique one这是两篇英语作文。马上我们学校要模拟一次这样的比赛。) 天上的明星现了,好像点着无数的街灯 仿句仿照示例,发挥想象和联想,续写下面的句子示例:天上的明星现了,好像点着无数的街灯 1.礼花在空中绽放,_________________ 2.燃烧的蜡烛,_____________ 天上的明星现了,好像点着无数的街灯.仿写再写个:天上的明星现了,------ Do you have time?(同义句替换) Your mother how are you feeling today?为什么用feeling Do you have time tody 咋改为同义句 英语翻译 英语翻译Markus Antonietti,Wolfgang Bremser,DorotheaMuschenborn,Christine Rosenauer,and Beate SchuppZnstitut fur Physikalische Chemie der Universitat Mainz,Jakob Welder Weg 15,0-6500 Mainz,West GermanyManfred SchmidtMar-Planck Znstitut fur Polymer 英语翻译102 jalan margosa 4 bukit margosa seremban 是个地名 急等翻译 我是一名初二男生,学校组织了一次英语演讲比赛,dream,谁帮我写一篇演讲稿, I h___ you have a good time today.如题 主语+be+one of +the +形容词最高级造句 (5个) be talented at 造句 (10个) unique 造句(10个)unique 造句最好是5个做宾语 5个做表语 谁帮我造句,英语的 格式:be + 形容词 + 过去分词 .越多越好. living speed in today is much faster than before,which i____ that people do not have much time. 英语翻译:我没有太多时间.(否定句) 是I have not so much time. do well in 后跟动词什么形式 甲数是乙数的4/3甲乙两数的最大公因数和最小公倍数的和是91这两个数各是多少. do well in后接动词的什么形式? 山不转水转用来比喻什么合适? 山不转水转的意思以及用法是什么?请详细回答. 英语翻译请高手将我的中文名翻译成英文名,何玲,水瓶座,属鼠, 何玲取个什么英文名好呢?好听又大方,女孩子用的. 2,3,4,5课注意点(如do well in后面动词要加ing)明早就考了!大哥........别复制了..............还有........说点珠如*do well in后面动词要加ing*之类的......我上面还有.....你可以复制写上去....400分哪!看你 请帮我看看我的雅思作文吧You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Job stress has become a major concern in the workplace world wide.What do you think are the causes and what can we do about it?Give rea 谁能帮我看下雅思作文!谢谢大神们,这篇大概能得几分?题目:The time and money spent on the protection of wild animals should be spent on improving human lives instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?我的文章:Nowad 帮我看看这篇雅思作文 打个分Today,there are more and more people can only depend on their own society and community when they are in trouble.This phenomenon has caused a hot discussion that whether communities should pay attention to othe 求雅思作文修改~来帮我看看雅思作文 这是1月9号的雅思作文 我写了一篇试试 帮我修改下Along with the development of society,more and more problems are brought to our attention,one of which is that the charity organizati 山不转水转,水不转人转 是什么意思?..这句话对于生活、事业、爱情的理解?