
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:02:19
what happened______ your litter dog?I haven't seen it these days A with B in C of D to I still haven't got the letter he sent to me a week ago.I wonder if the letter___ wrongly delivered[A] might be [B] might have been[C] should be [D] should have beenAnd reason,please.Thanks. what happened______ your litter dog?I haven't seen it these days A with B in C TO 海豚有什么作用 一个词组的中文意思及用法hang 用法怎样? The girl is very serious.The boy is serious,too.(同义句转换) 指出下列词语在句中的意义和用法当:料大王足以当项王乎曲终收拨当心画当是时也,商君佐之有大石当中流 怎样做才能成长成才成功要具体说 成长成才才行vcxvvvvvvvvcxxxxvfggggggggggggggggggggg2g4df4gfg 成长与成才有什么区别 成长成材成功的区别? 英文好的帮我一个忙吧,我有3个好朋友想组一个团帮我们起一个英文名字吧要中文翻译我们四个经常一起出现 按摩器中说的红外线对人体有什么影响?就是说长期使用可以对人的身体产生什么作用? 用海豚样子的红外线按摩器怎样按摩?按摩 大腿、小腿、和肚子、分别是要坐着按摩还是站着按摩?或平躺在床上按摩?分别说下、谢谢! 怎样才能成才? 怎么样才能成才 怎么样才能成才啊? My mother has always made sure的翻译 We must have an engineer ______ the workers build the house.a.to see b.see c.seeing d.seen 求翻译,I wanted to make sure that we were on an even playing field. by your first class bank in our favour upon signing Sales Contract.Shipment will be effected within 25 days after receipt of the relevant L/C issued by your first class bank in our favour upon signing Sales Contract.这个句子中by your first class must be,must和have be,have的区别 老记不住事情……我做support的,每天的工作都挺零碎的,就是来一个问题解决一个,解决完了为止的那种.事儿就算比较多.但是偶经常记不住事.倒不是说忘记做,而是有时候老板突然走过来问xxx 老记不住是什么情况 我老记不住路怎么办啊?我简直就是路痴啊,估计1里都不到 还走的是国道 我就在一个十字路口迷路了,怎么办啊 我为什么方向感这么差 为什么老记不住单词? Mistaken payment of $30million contract sum in favour of your companyHello,Mistaken payment of $30million contract sum in favour of your companyAfter a serious thought,I decided to contact you .After going through a contract payment file mistakenly p Let me see,I still haven\'t gotten up: 與家人相處困難 人際關係有問題 該做心理諮商嗎 照片上这人是谁? 把四声时可以组什么词? Look:Jack is putting on his hat and coat.He must (be going) out.请问这里的be going能否改成go呢?有什么区别呢?结构must+be+doing/coming/joking等must+do/go/know/have等