
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:00:27
数学一道平方题~~~~~~~~~~~~~····这个怎么化简x^2-(2a+1)x+a^2+a成 =(x-a-1)(x-a) 如果36x^2+(m-1)xy+25y^2是一个完全平方式求m的值 What part us train us.怎样读?(1)What part us train us.(2)Noting seek nothing find.(3)The shortest answer is doing.(4)I feel strongly that i can make it.这四句英文怎样读? 英语翻译 what about a toy train? 与非零向量a平行的单位向量的个数是_______.^3^ 零向量与任意非零向量平行么? 第一个字和第三个字是心的成语——这是四年级暑假作业,那心在二四呢 四年级暑假作业55页“心”字成语大团结组的成语有哪些?心)(心?)(?)(?) 四年级下册语文暑假作业心字成语大团聚. 10个人站成一排,其中甲、乙、丙3人恰巧站在一起的概率为 根号下7加4倍根号3怎样化简,这题我会,关键是以后遇到这类问题该怎么去凑啊、·~ difference between my friend and me 英语作文 Toby ofen talks ( )but does ( ),so everybody says he is a good boy.A less more B little more C few much D more less选哪个,为什么 Danny often talks( )but does( ).so we all think he's a good boy.填more,less或fewer LiLei often talks _________but does_________.So everyone says he is a good boy.A.little;many B.few;much C.more;less D.less;more 选择哪个 need和should 的区别.如果有人知道请把另外几到题?1.()I return the book to you today? )keep it till tomorrow.2.( ) I buy film tickets for you?No,you()3.You () not talk in class and you () listen carefully.4.You lo ()Li Lei often talks _____but does_______,So everyone says he is a good boy. give it to sb 和take it to sb是一个意思吗?what are you going to do with these icecreams'?回答 用i am going to give them to the children 和 i am going to take them to the children!都可以吗 你喜欢唱英语歌吗?Do you like ________________________?完成这个句子帮我补充, 居高临下的“临”在这个词语中是什么意思? 居高临下”这个词语中“临”的意思是 He is _____(worry) about the foolish things his brother often does. he does not bother about trifles the ___his elder brother does.a time b way c moment d reason为什么选B中文如何翻译 same,me,brother,the,often,things,my,does,as连词成句 My brother likes cars a lot.He often reads (m.) about cars. 阳货欲见孔子,孔子因何不见? 阳货欲见孔子孔子为何不见准确 写下初中英语所有的句型一定要写意思 狼牙山五壮士中粉身碎骨的意思 句型转换 The boy played tennis last weekThe boy played tennis last week.对(last week提问) 阳货欲见孔子孔子不是说要去做官了嘛!可是书上的翻译是:孔子随口答应:我要去做官了.”.孔子答应了阳货的要求,要去做官,我们应怎么看孔子的这一行为?