
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:47:42
有没有豪笔一挥这个词 请问:笔袋这个词英语怎么写? 塞梨是什么意思 sales leads generate sales Sales leads 和 Prospects 有什么区别?在销售上面,leads和prospects有什么区别?是leads的购买意愿强一点呢?还是prospects的购买意愿强一点? 四面楚歌这个成语典故发生在哪个朝代 本人是潍坊高密 求高密漂亮的女孩 相恋 英语翻译高密是一个有着2000多年历史的城市,这里有很多历史名人,如晏婴、郑玄、刘墉等.高密最罪名的就是她的民间艺术,被成为民间艺术之乡.在这里,民间艺术不仅种类繁多,而且技艺冠绝. 有没有卖英语语法书的,潍坊(或高密)有吗 CF的英文名字叫啥?cf的英文名字叫啥? Some f___ about the Palace Museum are amazing 一个智力题a pair of shoes cost s 30 dollars how much is one shoe 1Many____have animais in them. 【the tickets for last Sunday night's show cost much and ______ badly.../】the tickets for last Sunday night's show cost much and ______ badly.Asell B are sold C were sold DsoldCHOOSE which one 四面楚歌 这个典故出于哪个时期 四面楚歌出自谁 菱形的英语怎么说 四面楚歌的故事出自哪里哪个战役 Could you tell me what his E-mail address is?还是要说Could you tell me what is his E-mail address? when do you plan the shipment 什么时候发货还是什么时候装船?when do you plan the shipment 什么时候发货还是什么时候装船?这是客户在邮箱里问我的一句话,鄙人是外贸新手有些迷惑. PLEASE ADVISE US WHEN RELEASE SHIPMENT TO MR ZHANG OF AI DE ENABLE ME FOLLOW UP AT THIS END which universities would you to go?where are they I haven't got many oranges为什么many不变any 原句:we haven't got many tomatoes,此句是否定句怎么觉得应该为:many变any才对? what are the unique features or characteristics that make Americans different from other people如题 请用英语回答 100 wordsthank you~ had to do sth 改为一般疑问句sb,have(has.had) to do sth 不得不做某事.改为一般疑问句怎么改?示例:He had to go to school. 有关运用some、any和many的问题比如水:(water) 水是不可数名词,要说很多水~用some还是any还是many?那可数名词要用哪个介词?some在句子中用于什么句?肯定句还是否定?或一般疑问?any用于什么句 英语翻译移动硬盘英语怎么表达?mobile hard disk 是什么呀 How oid is mike?怎么答 He always finds fault with everything how oid is thesun?