
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:11:46
国庆去哪里玩英文怎么读? 你几岁了用英语 You should give your seat_______ the old woman,she is lame____the right,on B.for,in,in D.with,inWe look forward to the week_____,for we'll have a party. A.the following B.that follows C. following D.followedPlease fill i “感恩节”的正确英文单词,包括单词拼写,字母大小写 型号这个词用英语怎么说 我想知道自己的英文单词量有多大怎么做 呢? “国庆节”英语怎么读? 英语翻译如果我有一个机会可以活到永远.如何说? 英语翻译I like a dream I'm calling out to you 请问下怎么翻译才比较准确 英语 型号 英文怎么写 每个型号分别需要多少数量?英语怎么翻译 请问和 穿着尺寸 有关的英文单词 怎么写?谢谢!胸围,腰围,臀围,肩宽,臂长,腿长,身高,体重. 小猪和靴子英语翻译版本 [去年我经常六点起床]用英语怎么说? 26个英文大小字母怎么写 大小英文转换电脑上的 As i got to paris,she-------French at a language school.为什么选was beginning to study? 2道英语题 急需解释 在线等 谢谢!1.You may do___you want to do.选A 为什么不选BA.whatever matter not C.however D.both A and B2.John's illness will___him____playing in tomorrow's game.选C 这个又怎么解释?A.prevent,of B.s 时间的长度用英文怎么说?我想表达看电视的时间越长,成绩越低.The more time students spend on TV,the lower their scores are.time是表示一个时间节点还是时间长度还是两个都可以? 在大小上,在面积上的英文怎么说? 我需要知道这个的长度?英文 有多长 英文怎么说 英语对季节提问在英语里对季节提问用什么疑问词? 请问如何用英语问季节? 问季节用英语怎么说 如果给你一句,It's summer ,so it's very nice and sunny.让你写出上一句的问句该怎样问呢?(就是问天气杂问?) 一年有多少个季节 用英语该怎么问 季节用英语怎么拼写 Last night they ( ) home at ( );behind;around to;about D.arrived at;nearly.around,about与nearly有什么区别?反正got to和arrived at 应该都可以. 20th century Europe () such famous scientists as Albert Einstein and Hawking.A.invented B.stood out C.activated D.produced 为什么这题答案选C呀?我都说了答案是选c…那个说是词组的,你翻译之后带进去看能成立吗? Jack---- her,too B likes C to like D does likes 选什么 为什么这样选 is reported that the president once ___ in the Viet Nam's war for three years from 1966-1970.A served B had severed 2.i wasn't paying attention to what he was talking about ,so i am afraid i __ his speech very well .A did not understand B has no