
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:59:48
有没有历届的英语初一奥赛试题, please give my best w___ to your family. 改正错误:Please give my best wish to your parents 英语句子Please give my best wishes to your parents.的回答.应该回答"hanks a lot"还是"Of course,I will"? Please give my best_________(问候)to your patents. 我国是世界历史最悠久的农业大国之一?是对是错? 英语翻译 my hobby英语作文(我的爱好是钓鱼)80个单词 求一篇名字为My hobby(我的爱好是读书)的英语作文10句话!今天就要! spell please=please spell 是什么意思 spell it,please! Spell an orange ,please 改错 帮个忙了 还有 This’s a blue ruler Please spell A It is a key.B Please spell it.对话中Please spell it中的it指的是() “Spell it,please.”的同义句是什么?“Spell it,please.”的同义句是什么?“Spell it,please.”的同义句是什么?“Spell it,please.”的同义句是什么? 求帮助完型填空 关于介词离.away from we have distance away from school.离学校有很远的距离 如果我想说 i am one step closer to my destination.能否换成 i am one step closer away from my destination.后来思前想后 close这个形容词好像要 一道英语单选题目,We hope the measure to control prices,_ are taken by the government,will succeed A as B since C when D after .,我选了D,选错了,为什么.麻烦把其它兜说一下,我完全看不懂 KB failed in joining ShanXi Zhong yu and playing in CBA,_____made all the Chinese fans disappionted.A.which B.that C.it D.what我想问一下这道问题为什么不能选C呢? 今年广州中考的题.个人看到这道题时有些纠结.没有卷子在手,但我记得句子大概是这样的:The dog seems to be _____ to dig up as many holes as he can.(狗看起来像是_____去挖尽可能多的洞)整篇文章大 问一道初三英语完形填空题China is the country ___1__ the largest population in the world.Too many people ___2___ too many problems,such as a __3___ problem.And today,China's population is still growing very fast,____4____ in order to contr depart from的用法 用什么介词 from on at in 四个介词具体的用法 It was the training that he had _________made him such a good technician.A.has B.what C.later D.that这一题怎么翻译啊选什么, 对话甲 _____ _____ are you _____?乙 I am in class one.单词n_u_se ( ) 怎样形容人张的丑.损人的一些句子求朋友们帮忙 因为她老是扫让我.打匿名的电话 短信 形容女人长的丑用英文怎么讲呢? The way you work is far from efficient.为什么FROM 介词后可在加形容efficient. 1.The 20% discount only ____ club members.A.applies to B.refers to C.devotes to D.comes to正解:A(B也有归属的意思,为什么不能选?)2.We have always ____ the revolutionary srtuggle of the people all over the world with our own.A.identified 英语单选一道,( ),they found that he was gradually recovering.A.To their much delight.B.Much to their delight.C.To much delight 为什么不选A? 英语单选要详细解析. 求些形容人丑的句子不要那些什么爱国的,我要的是那种在穿越小说里形容女主的那个丑的...】】 英语翻译1.我们可以使用电子货币在网上购物而不用到商店去了2.地铁是一种非常受欢迎的公共交通系统的形式3.你会发现南方的生活与北方的生活有大的区别4.目前,我们1美元可以换大约6.8元