
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:59:18
急求这盆花草的名称,以及养活方法, Lot of electrical wiring repair needed 怎么翻译. 《宝贝谢谢你一直陪着我,你能带我离开吗?我的宝贝,》谁告诉我英文怎么写? everything bad but u Everything Back But You Does Zhao Benshan have mistress?I find that Zhao is like the peasant emperorLi zicheng who gained power and lost itlater.Chinese peasants are rubbish class whoonly think of sleeping on the hot beds andwives and children without other things occurring /t/发音什么时候浊化center/sente/ 听起来是读成/sende/ 是么?究竟怎么读?还想问一下,什么时候情辅音浊化? 长句中译英,有分,可能少标点符号But General Pershing gave the Germans some breathing space by refusing to allow American troops to serve under British or French command.(9-450-451) 长句中译英,高分,谢谢,可能少标点符号They looked larger than ordinary men their tall straight figures were in vivid contrast to our undersized armies of pale recruits.I pressed forward with the others to watch the United States physical lana said "i can sing"(直接引语改为间接引语) 变为间接引语Lana said,“I may not come tonight” Mr Li has been working for ____eight hours.Athe whole Bthe all Cwhole D.all 为什么whole前边要加the呢? That is a fascinating city full of ancient buildings 这是什么句型啊 求一篇《消防在我心中》征文要500字哦! He wants to go swimming.同义句,否定句,一般疑问句 急用! 祖国在我心中征文要求1500字,高中用, 论文或作文,不是演讲稿!速度点啊.好的话还会+分 不是演讲稿!!!! 1500字以上的! Miilie wants to go swimming.(对go swimming提问) 上海外滩全长约1108( ),上海浦东新区占地面积约1210( ) 无敌近义词 no fewer than和not fewer than什么意思,怎么用?(L13)它们和no less than、not less than有什么区别?详细解释一下,谢了能分别给出这四个短语的例句吗(有翻译的)?谢了。貌似好像老师说no less than、no 无敌的近义词是什么? do you realize that we have not seen each other since the night of that U2 concert?这句话说我们是从U2演唱会后就没有见过了.可以用have been doing 这个句型吗,have been doing ,不是可以表达动作一直在持续,到说话的 Zhao Benshan lives in Tieling.对画线部分提问 in Tieling 画线 Vulgar是什么 I vulgar grinning什么意思 Zhao Wei is famous ( ) an actor,怎么填? 不是说男人的梦境多是大型动物和打斗而女人的梦境是多是小动物而我是女人为什么总梦到大型动物和枪战打斗 VULGAR怎么样 乐队Vulgar Boatmen翻译成什么啊? 2010年绿地面积增加多少 “这么“ 在下面句子中是副词吗?“衣服这么脏会洗得干净吗?“ echo的第三人称单数时echos还是echoes 还是都行?复数形式呢?