
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:23:17
初高中英语工具书哪种较全面,好用? 求外教版高中英语语法工具书!我是山东的高二学生,英语成绩一直不尽如人意.特别是关于句子结构和时态的问题,老师告诉我说可以买一本合适的语法书慢慢研究,但我不知道该买哪种.家里有 高中英语如果我要自学,要什么工具书,有没有可能自学好? since my childhood在英语中还有哪些相近的表达 since 的同义词 是什么 我从小就认识他...I ______ ______ him ever since my childhood.我从小就认识他I ______ ______ him ever since my childhood. my的同义词 求暧昧的话与调情的手段不露骨的话 就是话中有话 英文歌she中有一句歌词是she is like you like me like them like we,为什么like后面接的是we不是us?like作为介词不是应该接宾格吗? There will be后面加动名词是不是要去掉be呗 英语翻译fashion,show,is,in,there,museum,today,the,a. 我想今年考雅思,请问买什么参考书复习好呢? I will be attend and I will attend which is correct?I wil attend 是主动我同意,但 I'll be there 同一情况为何用be,谢谢! Ruta (Isle Of The North Wind) 歌词 to let someone do something 等于哪个单词 to receive something when someone dies代表哪个单词7个字母 to find or learn something for the first time 以上是一个d打头的单词的解释,初三上册的练习 选词填空:find it ______ to do sth.find it ______ to do sth.A、quickly and shortlyB、quicker and shorterC、quick and shortD、more quickly and shortly补:More and more people find it …… 求英语帝,做一道改错题One night,after a day's hard work I went to bed early than usual.I suddenly wake up.I heard a noise.I got out bed and went slowly downstairs.I listened very carefully.I could hear two men speaking quietly.I didn't think feeling 与 idea 的区别 有谁知道nothing gonna change的歌词和译文 辽宁省实验中学2008高三年级上学期中测试语文如上 Do you know people who also like collecting kites?这一句中who译为“谁”,是“单三”,那么后面的like为什么不是“likes”? 谁能告诉我这句话的意思:please registerTo view full document,please register, To view full document,please register怎么恢复 excel破解密码后出现“To view full document,please register“,有谁能帮我看看吗? 【100分】有哪些好的雅思辅导书?说全名.我是新手小白,简称听不懂,要编辑或者出版社~我的分全给你都可以! 雅思备考用书推荐推荐一下备考雅思需要的书籍 喆是什么意思 凡是什么意思 速度 RT 雅思辅导书想问一下慎小疑的写作口语书好不好?还有剑8剑9那个好?那个新一点?还有顺便推荐一些关于雅思听说写的好用的辅导书, 喆 是什么意思?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊