
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:24:55
谁知道什么是边音? 被蚊子咬了会不会这蚊子有病毒呀!被蚊子咬了包不算养,但紫色的,比一元硬币还大!花型的!跟胎记似的!这蚊子会不会带病毒呀! 这是不是蚊子? 咋填?英语的六年级(上) 咋写, 不定式做定语的用法 about..与动词不定式作定语在用法上有什么区别 动词不定式作定语怎么看 动词不定式作定语用法 公共英语四级,也叫PET4难不难考,要怎样备考? CET4和PET4的问题我在大学的时候已经过了CET4,可是现在想继续提高自己的英语水平,请问PET4的难度和CET4相比怎么样?还是应该直接考PET5了? 那位人士帮我把8th 9th 11th 12th 20th 13th 21st写出原型? 用序数词表现以下数字:1st____ 2nd____ 3rd___ 4th___ 5th___ 6th__ 7th___ 8th___用序数词表现以下数字:1st____ 2nd____ 3rd___ 4th___ 5th___ 6th__ 7th___ 8th___9th___10th11th___12th___ 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th hhh 英语April 10th september 10th是什么节日,用英语怎么说 英语12号.12th,th是time的缩写吗 MR,AB, 谁知道Mr Big,Mr Right,Mr Clean各是什么姓氏? 男人对女人说MR什么意思 这几个怎么写? 改错 Dont sings in the rain,little boy.I can look at the book in English.It's a umbrella I don't改错 Dont sings in the rain,little boy.I can look at the book in English.It's a umbrella I don't like ride a horse.This hat is me Hello!This is Jim sp 1st 2nd 3rd 是怎么来的?举些例子,那么11 12 13 21 22 23 101 102 103 都是加 st nd 看末尾的数字?从末尾4到9都加th?那么0后面加什么?比如100 英文 第一是1st,第二是2nd,第三是3rd,那么第1.5的写法是什么?假设必须要使用小数的前提下. 1st 2nd 3rd怎么读? 第一1st,第二2nd,第三3rd,那么第四之后呢 This city Is not what it used to be.It____greatly these years.选项有:A.ischang B.changed C.has changed D.changes 请问;as much as 的用法, Jack -- his basketball,but he can′t --it.A look for;finding B,is finding;look forJack -- his basketball,but he can′t --itA look for;finding is finding;look for is looking for; find D,find;look for 您好 有没有 人教版高一英语必修二单词朗读mp3 能发给我吗 原始农耕时代,河姆渡居民和半坡原始居民以使用什么石器求求你们了!